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Melodys POV

We were following the guard down the hall where all the dressing rooms were and well we were all in shock but mostly me and Brooke, I mean this is something you can only dream of, they have to have got it wrong, though I think I may just enjoy this monent I'll wait until they come to their senses.

We stopped while the guard was talking to another very big, very scary guard, then he turned around and said,

"The guys are talking to some press at the moment but wait in their dressing room they won't be long." He didn't have to tell us twice, we were in there before you could shout its wanted Wednesday.

The room was basically what I expected, clothes, gifts and food everywhere you could also see all their stuff from fans and their was a hell of alot of fan presents and books there. Then I spotted their instruments in the corner of the room obviously minus a piano ( the rooms big but not that big) then Brooke words my thoughts before I can even think them "hey do you think they will mind if you play their guitars?"

"I don't know B they might come back" answers Amber

"but they will never know if we do it now" Trisha fires back, we all look at Lilly expectantly then she answers

"ok but be quick, what are we singing?" thoughtful expressions cross our faces then I answer,

"what about fight for this love?" they all nod in agreement as I pick up Tom's guitar, perching myself on the top of the sofa so my feet were where you would normally sit, we all sat like this then I started playing the cords, and Brooke started singing,

Brooke: too much of anything can make you sick, even the good can be a curse, makes it hard to know which road to go down, know when to much can get you hurt.

Lilly: is is better is it worse, are we sitting in revearse, feels just like we're going backwards, know where I want this to go, driving fast but lets go slow, what I don't wanna do is crash no.

Amber: just know that your not in this thing alone, there's always a place in me that you can call home, whenever you feel like we're growing apart, lets just go back, back, back, back, back to the start oh.

all: anything that's worth having is sure enough worth fighting for, quitting's outta the question, when it gets tough gotta fight some more,

Amber: we gotta fight (all; fight) fight (all:fight) fight for this love x3 when its worth having its worth fighting for

Trisha: now everyday aint gonna be no picnic love aint no walk in the park, all you can do is make the best of it now, can't be afraid of the dark

Amber: we gotta fight (all: fight) fight (all: fight) fight for this love x3 when its worth having its worth fighting for

Melody: now i don't know where we're heading i'm willing and ready to go oh oh, we've been driving so fast we just need to slow down and just roll

All: anything that's worth having, is sure enough worth fighting for, quitings out of the question if it gets tough gotta fight some more, we gotta fight, fight fight fight fight for this love x3 when its worth having its worth fighting for

Melody: woah

" girlies we smashed it" Brooke finished

"You're telling me"

"Ahhhhhhhh" we all scream as a voice comes from the door all of the girls fall off the back of the seat sending the 5 boys at the door into fits of laughter, while I shout "BOOM BLONDIE IS THE WINNAHHHHH" just as I say that Brooke pulls me on top of her. After a few minutes of laughing I casually stand up with the rest of the girls smiling at the fittest bunch of lads I have ever seen

i'll be your strength (nathan sykes fanfic) completedحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن