La La Land

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Nathan's POV

6 mints with Mel, and yesterday was the best way to celebrate. After the park we went back to mine, and well you can guess what happened....

I've just woken up from that amazing night. I look down and Mel has got her head rested on my chest. Her arms wrapped around me, a cute smile on her face as she's dreaming. I wonder if she's dreaming about me....

I tuck a strand of loose blonde hair behind her ear. Still smiling I look down to her hand, where I see the ring I have her last night. Yes we're still young, but I wanted to promise her, I wanted her to know I was hers and that I love her.

She started to stir. A soft groan escaping her lips as she snuggled in more, her eyes fluttered slowly open. She peered up at me whispering,

"Hi" I chuckled lightly replying,

"Hiya" her hand went down to lay itself on my stomach, her index finger making little circles across my skin.

I closed my eyes relaxing instantly to the feel of her skin on mine.

She started rubbing the skin softly above the waistline of my boxers. I groaned getting a little excited, I swear she does this on purpose. I felt a pair of soft lips hover over my neck, kissing around the side of my neck. I moaned again softly, I felt her smirk into my skin,blinding harder.

I'm a hormonal guy, I'm not Gunnar stop her.

She started sucking the skin in the side if my neck, I groaned louder, and I heard her giggle making me smile.

Her lips briefly detached from my neck as she straddled me, her hands positioned either side of my head, as she dipped down gently placing a sift kiss on my lips. Her lips them traveled to my jaw line. Nibbling underneath my ear, and pressing kisses back down my neck. She kissed the vein on the side of my neck roughly.

She started placing kisses all around my neck, when to her surprise I started to tickle her, making her squeal and giggle. I stopped and sat up, with Melody sat in my lap, her legs wrapped around my waist, my hands on her waist.

Her big blue eyes stared into mine, a smile on her lips. I looked at her, admiring all of her features. She turned away blushing, I chuckled lightly, turning her head to look at me I cupped her cheek and rested my forehead on hers, I looked into her eyes and stated confidently,

"You're beautiful" she blushed deeper, she looked me in the eyes and smiled saying,

"I love you" My smile widened. I kissed her passionately and when we broke from the kiss, my lips lingered on here as I whispered,

"I love you too, so much."

I placed another kiss on her lips, then lightly placed more around her face, she started giggling but I didn't stop.

"Nath..." She laughed as I placed one on her nose.

"Yes love?" I laughed innocently.

"Stop.' She laughed. I placed one final kiss on her forehead

"Right then Miss Smith time to get out of bed."

"I don't want toooo"

"Come on Mel, we've got to meet Brooke and Jay in an hour, so get up"

"Make me Sykes." She challenged

"Oh it's on" I said flipping her over so I was now straddling her. She squealed as I started tickling her again. After a while she shouted,

"Ok, ok I give, stop Nath, stop!!"

I stopped rolling over next to her, she looked at me and kissed me on my nose. After that she got up to shower...

With me following her ;)

Melody's POV

After that very 'relaxing' shower, and a lot of chasing each other round Nath's flat, (due to his obsession with tickling me), we finally set off walking to Starbucks to meet Brooke an Jay.

I was wearing a green blouse with foxes on it, jeans, black oxfords, bangles and of course my promise ring. Nathan was wearing a grey t-shirt, jeans, white trainers and his blue beanie.

We walked hand in hand to Starbucks laughing as we went in. I spotted B an Jay and gave them both hugs and Nathan did the same. Me and Brooke sat down gossiping, while the boys rolled their eyes laughing at us.

"Hey girls if we told you we have a surprise for you what would you say?" Jay asked out if nowhere.

"Oh dear god, last time you said you had a surprise for us we ended up in a lake" Brooke laughed, we all laughed with her remembering that weekend.

"Well you're gunna love this surprise" Nathan smiled

"Scooter wants us to perform in America again, so we're off to LA for a month!!" Jay smiled

"The best part is you guys get to come with us" Nathan smiled wider taking my hand.

"So what do you guys say?" Jay asked

Me and Brooke looked at each other and at the same time said,

"La La land it is then!!"

A/N hey guys so my new update, I think it's short and not my best,bits kinda a filler and had to be there but I hope you're enjoying it :)

How are you guys liking the wanted life? Seeing as I'm in England I watch it every monday, I'm loving it!!

And the announcements yesterday!! Can't wait for the new cd an single!! And who's gunna go to the new tour?

Lots of love Shannon xxxxx

i'll be your strength (nathan sykes fanfic) completedWhere stories live. Discover now