in the crowd

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A/N sorry I haven' t written in a while I had stuff going on sorry for any spelling mistakes and I hope you're liking the story so far- Shannon x

Nathans POV

I was so nervous I've performed loads of times before but I still get so nervous, though its always good to have the boys there too though I don't know what I would do without them.

" you ready Nath?" A distinctive Irish voice called from behind me I nod at my band mate siva and follow the rest of the boys Tom, Max and Jay on stage.

Like always we are jumping up and down like the weirdos we really are smiling at the fans and acting like I own the stage while the girls scream our names, nothing can be any better than this.

The stage was like my home nothing made me happier than performing live plus I love making our fans happy by singing to them I just wish I had a special someone to sing to.

Jays POV

I walked out on stage the boys following behind, we all were singing the crowd going crazy it felt so nice to be performing in London again after the success in America it is always nice to come back to the country that we love and the one that made us. looking out at the fans that followed us every step of the way made me proud.

Soon enough we were really getting into it and even though I am a trained dancer I still dance like no ones watching, looking over at the boys they're doing the same too. I laugh at Tom and Max dancing like my dad when he's drunk then turn to Nathan who is doing some weird sexy grinding moves the girls all go crazy for, at that point I am trying not to go into hysterics.

When we start another song I decide to go closer to the fans at the front of the stage so I stand at the front of the stage right in the centre and start singing when I finish I hear a girl shout,

"JAY YOU SEXY BEAST I LOVE YOU" I start laughing and look her straight in the eyes this girl was beautiful and not to mention out going too, her big brown eyes captivated me so I mouthed,

"love you to beautiful which was partly true. I looked at her while she just stared in disbelief while her friends laughed their heads off Icouldn't help but smirk a little while continuing the song.

Nathans POV

"JAY YOU SEXY BEAST I LOVE YOU" at that I turn around to see Jay staring at a tall girl with brown hair and big brown eyes I start to chuckle at the girls statement when I see Jay mouth 'love you too beautiful' the the face she pulled made me laugh so much and I can see Jay was happy with himself. But then I heard the most cutest out going laugh ever as I saw the most gorgeous girl laughing with her friends in the audience she was obviously with the girl that shouted out, but before I could think anymore I was going backstage to change.

When we walked back on, Jay went to the centre so he could still see that girl. While we sang glad you came I needed to get closer to her friend, so after Seevs part I started to sing holding my hand out to the girl and she took it and looked me in the eyes they were crystal blue and her hair was beautifully blonde but naturally she was gorgeous, when I finished i winked at her and smiled before walking away though I found it hard to. Though as I walked away I heard some ooooooohs from her friends and smiled to myself.

When the concert finished we said our goodbyes and headed backstage I couldn't stop thinking about that girl and by looking at Jay he couldn't stop thinking about his girl too thats when I came up with an idea,

" hey guys you know those girls in the crowd" they looked at me with a confused look so I cleared it up,

"with the one I sang to."

"Oh yeah the blonde one" Tom replied

I nodded then continued "well I think we should give them the VIP passes"

"I think thats a great idea" jay beamed the rest of the boys nodded and before you know it we were giving a security guard the passes and giving them the instructions after that we were told Jayne needed us. I just hoped the girls turned up.

A/N Hey I hope you guys like it I wanted to put the boys point of view in it :)

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