Of wizards and lizards

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You are a wizard living in the kingdom of Larion. You have a staff and a spellbook. You finish your long journey and finally arrive at the ruin you've been looking for. You look around and see that it's not much different than when you left it, but then again this is a place where magic has existed for centuries.

> You use a spell to turn into a lizard.
You quickly transform into a small black lizard and run off. The guardsmen don't even notice you disappear. "What was that?" one asks as he walks towards the ruins.

The other guard says: "Must have been the wind."
I decide to go to town as a lizard. I will be able to blend in better.

I began to preach for a new religion, centered around the fact that lizards are superior beings controlling the world.
People were very receptive to my ideas. I soon had followers all over the city. One day a man walked up to me and asked if I could teach him how to become like a lizard too!

> You say "That is quite simple. You just need to give me your money and I'll turn you into a lizard."
You walk up to the man and grab his hand. He looks confused, but accepts your offer. You both begin to walk away from the ruins together. "Well what do we do now?" he asks.

> You say "Give me your money and I'll turn you into a lizard."
He takes out some coins and hands them to you. You take them and throw them on the ground. A large lizard appears from nowhere and eats the coins.

> You kill the man with a fireball.
You shoot a fireball at the man, who catches it with ease. He screams and falls down dead. You feel satisfied by your deed.

I come back to town with the lizard and tell everyone that that anyone can become a lizard if they make a small offering to me.
Everyone was interested in becoming a lizard so I decided to keep teaching people how to do it. A few years pass... Your friend is now a huge lizard with scales covering most of its body.

I use the money of the offerings to buy a big house for me and my lizard friend. We live happily ever after.


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