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You are a rogue living in the kingdom of Larion. You have a long steel dagger and a length of rope. You walk down the city street looking for somewhere to steal from. You look around and see nothing particularly interesting, but you decide that it would be best if you just stole something small and easy to carry. You head into a store called "The Bookworm".

> You say "Hello !"
"Hello", you say. The shopkeeper looks at you suspiciously, as if he suspects that you might be a thief. He walks over to his counter and pulls out a book from behind it.

> You say "I'm looking for a book about gems. Do you have one in stock ?"
"No, I don't think so." He turns back to his bookshelf and returns with a book which is covered in dust. It's an old leather bound volume containing diagrams of gemstones.

> You say "Well, that'll do. How much is it ?"
"Oh, it's quite expensive." You nod your head and begin to leave.

> You unsheathe your dagger and threaten the shopkeeper.
You unsheathe your dagger and hold it up threateningly. The shopkeeper backs away slowly. "What's wrong? Are you afraid?" "No, no, I was just thinking..."

> You say "Give me the book."
"Fine, here you go." You take the book and read through it. It seems fairly simple.

> You leave the shop and head to the street.
You turn around and start walking along the street. Suddenly you hear a voice calling after you. "Hey! What are you doing out there all by yourself?" It's a woman's voice.

> You say "Well, I was heading back home. However, I could do with some company. Will you come with me ? I've some tea and cookies."
"Sure, sure... what time is it?" You pause for a moment and then reply "Around midnight." She smiles and nods her head.

> You say "What's your name, by the way ?"
"My name's Helen. And how late is it?" She pauses for a moment and then replies "Late night or early morning." You smile and nod your head. She continues "And where are you going?"

> You say "Nice to meet you Helen ! I'm going home."
"Home?" she asks confused. You continue "Yeah, I mean yeah, but why are you asking me this question?" Helen looks at you quizzically.

> You say "I have tea and cookies at home. I like tea and cookies. So I go home to drink tea and eat cookies. Simple, right ?"
"Yes, yes, yes." You continue "So why am I asking you this question?" Helen blushes slightly and starts laughing nervously. You feel like you're being interrogated.

> You unsheathe your dagger and tell her that she'll go home with you to drink tea and eat cookies or else you'll kill her on the spot.
You stop smiling and stare at Helen. Her face has turned redder than a tomato and she's sweating profusely.

Helen and I go home and drink tea and eat cookies and have fun.
The next day, Helen comes running into your room crying. She tells you that she wants to stay with you, but that if you don't want her to, then she will leave.

> You say "You're free, you know. Free to choose between staying with me to drink tea and eat cookies or leaving me and dying alone."
Helen stares at you in disbelief. She doesn't understand why you would say such a thing. You sigh and answer "Because I love you, Helen."

> You say "Will you marry me ? I'll make tea and cookies everyday and we will be happy !"
Helen blushes even more and runs off to cry in your arms. You embrace her tightly as tears stream down her cheeks. The two of you live happily ever after...

One day, I don't drink enough tea and don't eat enough cookies, putting me in a state of fury. Blinded by anger, I kill Helen. Then, desperate, I decide to steal Larion King's crown or die trying.
You wake up in a cold sweat. The sun shines brightly through the window and you take a quick look outside. It's still dark out, so you lay back down and close your eyes.

I decide to go to the castle and sneak to the throne room.
There is no one there, so I can easily get inside. I find a nice quiet corner and wait for nightfall. Suddenly, the door opens up and someone walks in.

The King walks in. I conceal in the shadows.
He notices me and smiles. "Hello, my dear," he says. "What are you doing here? Are you the new king?" I ask.

> You come closer to him and look at his crown.
He looks at me and smiles. "Yes, I am. What do you think?" "It's beautiful! I've never seen anything like it before.

> You punch the King in the face and take his crown.
I punch the King in the face and grab his crown. I put it on and run away from the castle. Then, I realize what I did wrong.

I finally understand that my life has been a mistake from the beginning. I wasted so much time... I should have understood that scones are better than cookies to accompany tea ! I go home and immediately prepare scones and tea.
The next day, I'm told about the incident. My father tells me that I was born a bad child and that my mother had an affair with another man when she found out that I wasn't mine.

None of this matter. I'm now a happy man. I have tea and scones. I have a crown. I had love, but that disappeared. I don't need anything else in my life.
But, I'm not happy. I feel sad everytime I see my sister. She's always crying and begging me to let her stay with us.

I tell my sister she can live with me. I can provide her tea and scones.
I also say that if she wants to leave, then she can. She doesn't want to leave. She just asks me to give her some money so she can buy food with.

> You say "You don't need money for food ! We have tea and scones ! Are you a heretic ?"
I say "No, we're not heretics. We just have tea and scones." She cries again and begs me to let her stay with us.

> You say "Okay, you can stay. But NEVER talk again about food again, except to praise tea and scones."
I say "Okay, okay, you can stay. But never ever talk about food or drink again." She leaves and I start feeling sad again. Then, I remember something that will make me happy forever.

> You make tea and scones, and that makes you happy.
You make tea and scones. The scone is delicious. It tastes like heaven. Afterwards, you sit down by your sister who is still crying in front of you.

> You force-feed her scones so that she becomes happy too.
You force-feed your sister scones so that she becomes happy too. Her tears stop. She smiles at you.

> You say "Do you want to marry me ?"
"Yes!" She says "I want to marry you !" We both laugh happily.


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