Chapter Ten

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We follow Harry through the Department of Mysteries. We stop before a black door. "Stay behind me. Once we've found Sirius I'll create a diversion, you just get him out of danger quick as you can." Harry tells us, not yet opening the door.

"But V-v-voldemort." Hermione tries to say, Harry looks over his shoulder to her.

"Leave Voldemort to me." He tells her, looking back to the door, and opening it.

The room was dark, Harry, Hermione and I light up our wands for our group to see. It looked like there were millions of shelves, all holding crystal balls of sorts. A noise behind us cause all to look, only to see the door floating away from us, to reveal more shelves behind us.

We all look at one another, before continuing on. We quickly rush looking for Sirius, according to Harry. Harry rushes ahead of us, before stopping at one of the rows. He looks back towards us, "He should be here." He tells us from where he was.

"Harry." Neville says, catching my attention seeing him looking up on one of the shelves. "Its got your name on it." He says, and Harry approaches to where Neville was, looking at a foggy crystal ball.

Harry slowly reaches and grabs the ball from it's stand. He stares at the swirling fog. I feel a small headache come to my head. Why now? 'Look around...' the voice whispers. I glance around confused. Until one crystal ball catches my attention in the sea of others.

I slowly walk over to it and pick it up. 'A child will gain power beyond that of which they can understand. Their power can be used to enhanced others magic, but a darkness will loom over them. And both a selfish and selfless act will truly free them.' an airy voice swirls around me, almost sounding like Trelawney.

"Harry!" Ginny's voice breaks me out my thoughts.

I turn and look to see a masked Death Eater a little ways from us. They begin to walk towards us. "Where's Sirius?" Harry questions them.

They continue coming towards us, "You know, you should really learn the difference between Dreams.." The death eater says, retrieving their wand. And with a small wave of it removes the mask to reveal, Lucius Malfoy. "And Reality." he tells him. My eyes widening, my hand gripping the crystal tighter. 

I knew he wasn't the greatest person ever, but a death eater? I grew up around him, he was kind at times. How could he be, evil? "You saw what the dark lord, wanted you to see. Now hand me the prophecy." Lucius says, holding out his hand for the crystal ball that Harry held.

"You do anything to us, I'll break it." Harry threatens. Then a laugh comes from the darkness behind Lucius, sending me a bit on edge, I slip my crystal ball in my pocket. 

Out of the darkness, walks Bellatrix Lestrange. "Oh, he knows how to play. Itty... Bitty... Baby.. Potter." she taunts as she joins Lucius side.

"Bellatrix Lestrange." Neville says shocked.

"Neville Longbottom is it? How's mom and dad?" she taunts him.

"Better now that they're about to be avenged." Neville says angrily, raising his wand towards her, but I grab his arm to keep him from doing something suicidal.

I look back towards Bellatrix, and see her wand ready to fight back. Lucius raises his hands, to calm the situation. "Now, lets everybody just, calm down, shall we? All we want is that prophecy." Lucius says, having Bellatrix lower her wand.

"Why did Voldemort need me to come and get this?" Harry questions.

"You dare speak his name?" Bellatrix whispers, "YOU FILTHY HALF-BLOOD!" she shouts at Harry.

"It's alright, he's just a curious lad, aren't you? Prophecies can only be retrieved by those about who they are made. Which is lucky for you, really." Lucius tells Harry slowly walking towards us, I hear the others behind us shuffling, from the corner of my eye I can see Neville and Hermione raise their wands towards the right corridor. More people are here. "Haven't you always wondered, what was the reason for the connection between you and the dark lord? Why he was unable to kill you when you were just an infant? Don't you want to know the secret, of your scar? All the answers are there but in your hand." He says, stopping right before us, "All you have to do, is hand it to me. I can show you everything." he tries to persuade him.

"I waited fourteen years..." Harry says, his eyes not leaving Lucius and Bellatrix as they stood so close to us.

"I know." Lucius says, false sympathy in his voice.

"I guess I can wait a little longer." he says, "Now!" he shouts to us.

"Stupefy!" I cast alongside Harry, but Lucius deflects it.

We begin to run back the way we came, but we skid to a stop as Lucius apperates before us. He holds out his hand for the prophecy. But we back up and rush through another row of shelves. I rush behind Harry as Ron and Hermione rush through the one next to us. We reach the end of the shelves into the wider corridor, as more death eaters apparate around us.

I cast a spell at the one in front of us, but he apperates before it could hit him. We run down the clear corridor while Ron and Hermione deal with the ones behind us. A death eater Half apparate following next to Harry, shocking me as he stayed along with Harry. "Stupefy!" Harry hits him, sending him away.

We reach a crossroads, running into Luna, Neville, and Ginny causing Hermione to scream slightly as we stop. Down the corridor none of us had come down from, we can see the many death eaters we had been running from. "Ginny." I pull her with me to stand before the group.

She gives me a nod, "Reducto!" we cast, hitting them with a bright light. Wind sweeps over us, and the light slowly begins to fade away. Then the prophecies around where we had just struck, began to fall. Coming closer and closer towards us, the shelving's collapsing.

We begin to back up, "Get back to the door!" Harry shouts and we all turn and run, as crystal balls begin to fall and break right behind us.

We turn down a corridor, seeing the door at the end, hearing glass breaking and the thuds of the shelving's hitting one another. Harry quickly opens the door and we all rush through, but only, there was no floor, we fall.


1114 words

Oh it's getting to the fun parts now.

I have a set schedule, please be nice, and just wait. If you bug, higher chance I won't update.




Lots Of Luv~ snowflake 

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