Chapter Six

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Neville had found the Room of Requirement. A perfect place to have secret classes. "Rose, can we talk?" Harry rushes down the hall to me.

"Um, sure." I respond, confused by the sudden rush. Harry grabs the books I was holding as we begin to walk down the hall, "Oh, thanks." I say at the sudden gesture.

"With some of the classes, I want you to help me, teach them." Harry tells me with a whisper on the last part..

"Really? Why?" I question, confused by this.

"Come on Rose. We both know you're brilliant. And you can also do a patronus charm." Harry tells me.

"Harry, I've only ever done spells in class. I'm not a fighter, not strong or brave. I'm not you." I tell him, grabbing my books back from him, continuing on my way.

Harry rushes to my side and stops me, "But you're smart, and powerful. Who knows better technique and form than you. Please Rose, help me." Harry says to me.

I let out a sigh, "Fine, but if it doesn't go well, I'm done." I warn him, and he gives me a smile.

"Deal." he says, then walks away. I sigh and enter my common room, what did I just agree to.


First class, Disarming. Basic but important. We were practicing on a disarming dumby. Neville was struggling but with some helpful tips he seemed to be having a better understanding to it.

When we were in Umbridge's class all we did was write notes repeatedly, which was mind numbing considering it wasn't helping anyone for the future.

Next class we had was on stunning your opponent. "Stunning is one of the most useful spells in your arsenal. It's sort of a wizard's bread and butter, really..." Harry explains to everyone.

Harry decided to have the students go against him after I showed them the spell, 'Stupefy' along with the form without actually performing the spell.

Up first was Nigel, a young boy, who was a bit nervous. "You can do this Nigel, just focus." I encourage, standing behind him as Harry stood across from him.

"Come on then Nigel. Give it your best shot." Harry tells the nervous boy.

The boy took a deep breath, "Stupefy!" he cast, not fully doing proper form causing him to fall back as it hits Harry making him fall as well. I caught Nigel before he can fully fall on the ground.

"Good. Not bad. But practice your form next time so you don't fall." I tell him as I get him to stand.

We switch things up and have students face each other. First up, Hermione vs Ron. Harry and I stand on either side of Hermione. The boys in the class encourage Ron. Ron barely even moves his wand when Hermione casts the spell. "Stupefy." and she sends him flying.

Ron whimpers fearfully as he lands. Many of the boys cringe at what happened, I see George pay Fred, seeming made a bet on the practice. "Great job Hermione. Perfect." I tell her honestly, as the girls come to her praising Hermine at kicking Ron's arse.

"Why don't you have a go Rose?" Ginny suggests. Causing the group of girls to all agree and encourage me.

"Alright." I agree, slightly excited now. We all look at the group of boys.

"Who wants to go against Rose?" Hermione asks them, and they all just look like a deer in headlights.

"What afraid I'll win?" I tease the boys, who all look at one another.

"I'll go against you?" Fred says, giving me a smirk.

"Alright." I reply, with smirk of my own.

Ron and George pat their brother on the shoulder, "Good luck, you're going to need it." Ron tells him as the walk away from him.

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