Chapter Eight

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Being back at Hogwarts was almost normal again. Hagrid was back, at least until Umbridge threaten to fire him like she did with Trelawney. Then normal fully went away when we got a copy of the Daily prophet telling us that there was a mass break out in Azkaban.

"Dumbledore warned Fudge this could happen. He's going to get us all killed, just because he's too scared to face the truth." Hermione tells us after setting down the paper on the table, as we all sit in the great hall.

"Harry?" Seamus walks up, grabbing our attention. "I wanted to apologize. Now even me Mam says the Prophet's version of things don't add up. What I'm trying to say is...I believe you." Seamus tells him, getting a nod from Harry.


This meeting, we were trying to teach the Patronus charm. "Make it a powerful memory, the happiest you can remember. Allow it to fill you up..." Harry tells everyone, "Keep trying, Seamus..." Harry tells him.

"A corporeal Patronus is the most difficult to produce, but shield forms can also be extremely useful against a variety of opponents..." I add on to what he was saying as I walk around the room, I stop by the twins "Boys." I say only to them giving them both a wink and I pass by, and I hear George cast the spell.

Ginny does the spell and was able to form a horse, "Fantastic Ginny." Harry tells her. "Just remember; your Patronus can only protect you as long as you stay focused..." Harry tells everyone.

"Focus Luna." I tell the girl as Harry and I past one another, seeing Luna thinking for a memory. I look and see Hermione cast her patronus and it forms into an otter, flying around her. Luna then cast the spell, and a rabbit forms hopping through the air. "Excellent Luna." I tell her and she smiles at me.

I look around the room, smiling at all the animals and lights flurrying through the room. It was truly a magical time. This is what hogwarts should be, magic flying around, everyone happy. 

Then the lights flicker, causing everyone to stop. Looking around the chandelier shakes and some sort of force. The patronuses around the room all fade away. The room shakes more this time. Harry goes to the wall where the door appears when we enter, Nigel frozen next to as he was practicing there.

All of us gather to the center of the room. I'm worried now, what could the inquisitor squad possibly be doing to the wall. The room shakes once again, and the mirrors on the walls break and fall. Nigel and Harry walk up to the wall and look through a small hole that was formed in the wall. Then Harry quickly grabs Nigel and drags him back towards us just before the wall explodes open, causing us all to back away and rubble and dust goes flying.

The dust settles and reveals the inquisitor squad, Filch, and Umbridge. Draco comes into view dragging Cho with him. She looks at us sadly. "Get them." Umbridge says.


Umbridge had got the Ministry to come to Hogwarts, which includes the Ministers helpers aka Percy Weasley. Percy was currently holding on to Harry and Cho by their robes, making me walk in front of him as we were made to go to Dumbledore's office.

"Dumbledore's Army--proof of what I've been telling you right from the beginning, Cornelius!" Umbridge says, handing Fudge the paper that had all our names on it. "All your fear mongering about You- Know-Who never fooled us for a minute. We saw your lies for what they were--a smokescreen for your bid to seize control of the Ministry!" she accuses.

I glare at her from where we were in the room while Dumbledore was sat, leaning on his desk. "Naturally." Dumbledore says as if he wasn't being accused of something.

"No, Professor.. He got nothing to do with this it was me." Harry tells everyone.

"Most noble of you, Harry, to try and shield me, but as has been pointed out, the Parchment clearly says "Dumbledore's Army"--not "Potter's."" Dumbledore says, taking the blame. Why? What is he planning. "I instructed Harry to form this organization--and I alone am responsible for its activities." He tells the minister.

Fudge nods, "Dispatch an owl to the Daily Prophet; if we hurry we should still make the morning edition. Dawlish, Shacklebolt; you will escort Dumbledore to Azkaban to await trial for conspiracy and sedition--" he begins to instruct the others that came with him. 

They begin to walk towards Dumbledore, "Ah, I thought we might hit that little snag." he starts, walking around to the back of his desk, " You seem to be laboring under the delusion that I am going to--what is the phrase? 'Come quietly.' But I'm afraid I have no intention of going to Azkaban." He tells the minister, as they continue to slowly walk towards him as if he was a crazed animal.

"Enough of this. Take him." Umbridge demands, Dumbledore looks our way, to Harry on my right, and sends a wink.

Fawkes the Phoenix flies into the room, Dumbledore grabs his tail and flames engulfs them both, an energy surges into the room causing the minister officials who were right in front of him to fall backwards, having them disappear from the room.

The officials stand and look around for Dumbledore in disbelief. "You may not like him, Minister... but you can't deny Dumbledore's got style." Kingsley tells the minister.


All of us who was in Dumbledore's army had group detention. We had to write lines with charmed black quills, that used our blood as ink, repeating whatever we wrote into our skin on our hands. It was torturous. 


Harry had his private class with Snape, what he had kept secret from Rose. He knows how sad not talking to Snape had made her, despite he never having seen Snape be nice to anyone. When Harry shot the spell back at Snape going into some of his memories, he was surprised to see his father as a teen, bullying a teen Snape. Then a voice catches his attention.

"Leave him alone!" the voice sounds eerily familiar to someone he knows, he spins around and sees a near replica of Rose. Meaning this was his mother. It was surreal to him, only difference was their hair style, his mother's was straight and in two pigtails, while Rose has waves in her hair and she styles it with curls or clipped back. And their cheekbones.

"Well well, the indomitable Miss Evans..." The young James tries to flirt with the redhead, ignoring whatever he was doing to the young Snape.

Mum..." Harry mutters, still in shock at how much like Rose she was, despite the different house colors she wore.

"Why do you hate him so much, Potter?" Young Lily scold young James, having him put young Snape down.

"I DON'T NEED YOUR HELP, MUDBLOOD--" A young Snape shouts at the Young Lily, and she looks shocked and hurt at the words, taking steps back from Young Snape.

"ENOUGH!" Snape's voice breaks through and Harry was back in the room, no longer in Snape's memories

Snape walks up to Harry, grabbing him by his shirt. "You will not speak of this. Your lessons are at an end." he tells Harry quietly, threatening almost.

"I-" Harry tries to say anything, but is quickly cut off.

"GET. OUT." Snape says angrily, and Harry quickly leaves.

Snape sighs, he hopes Rose doesn't find out about this.

1275 words

Hope you enjoy. Excitment is just around the corner,  I promise!

*Updates will change back to once every other week for this book as I have a new book coming, so stay tuned.




Lots of luv~ snowflake

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