Chapter Five

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So many new rules have been added since Umbridge became 'High Inquisidor'. The twins and I had their products 'band' from being used, at least without Umbridge or Filch's knowledge of us using it. Boy and Girls are not allowed to be within 8 inches of one another, which Fred and I find ways around that.

Proper dress code was demanded at all time, meaning no more 'muggle clothing' some days. No literature by 'non-wizards or half-breeds' books were allowed, meaning any book Hermione had let me borrowed was hidden in my trunk for night time readings only. Our mail was now being monitored, much to Harry's and I disappointment. Quidditch was cancelled which made the twins very disappointed, along with Lee who was the announcer every year, seeing as it was their last year.

Right now I was witnessing one of the worst things Umbridge has done, besides Harry's cruel detention session. We all stood on the outskirts of the courtyard. Trelawney stood with her belongs around her, as Umbridge walks up to her. The students were all silent as we sadly watch what was happening.

"S-Sixteen years I've lived and taught here! H- Hogwarts is m-my h-home! You c-can't do this!" Trelawney tries to reason with pink woman.

But Umbridge was unfazed, "Actually I can." she tells her holding up one of her silly decrees, causing Trelawney to cry.

McGonagall was quick to go past us and intervene, she rushes to Trelawney's side as she cried, hugging her. "Something you'd like to say dear?" Umbridge questions.

"Oh, there are several things I'd like to say." McGonagall snaps, as she holds the trembling Divinations teacher.

The main doors opens gathering everyone's attention, and out walks Dumbledore. He walks to the courtyard where the other professors were. "Professor McGonagall...might I ask you to escort Sybill back inside?" Dumbledore requests.

Trelawney gasps, and McGonagall leads her past Umbridge and Dumbledore, up the steps and inside. "Dumbledore; May I remind you that under the terms of Educational Decree Number Twenty-three, as enacted by the Minister--!" Umbridge begins to go on her tangent but is cut off.

"--you have the right to dismiss my teachers. You do not, however, have the authority to banish them from the grounds. That power remains with the Headmaster." Dumbledore tells her.

"For now." she replies ominously.

Dumbledore turns around, looking at the watching students as he heads back inside, "Don't you all have studying to do?" he questions us, causing all of to immediately disburse.


Hermione had invited a bunch of people to some sort of meeting when the Hogsmeade trip was coming up. We weren't a hundred percent sure what was going on, just that we're going to discuss about what the school has become. We went to the Inn and sat down as Harry, Ron, and Hermione stood before us.

"Um--hi. So, you all know why we're here. We need a teacher--a proper teacher, one who's had real experience defending themselves against the Dark Arts--" Hermione talks to the group as we all sat around the small room.

"Why?" one kid questions.

"Why? Because You-Know-Who is back, you tosspot!" Ron tells the boy.

"So he says." the same kid counters nodding towards Harry.

"So Dumbledore says." Hermione defends.

"So Dumbledore said because he says. The point is, where's the proof?" he says.

"If Potter could tell us more about how Diggory got killed..." another boy brings up.

"I'm not going to talk about Cedric. So if that's what you're here for, you might as well clear out now." Harry tells the group, standing and turns to Hermione, "Let's go. They're just here because they think I'm some sort of freak." Harry makes a move to grab his jacket.

"Harry wait." Hermione whispers to stop him.

"Is it true that you can produce a patronus charm?" Luna speaks up, causing them to stop.

"Yes. I've seen it. So has Hermione." I respond, standing and join the three at the front. Hermione gives me a thankful smile.

"Blimey Harry, didn't know you could do that." Dean says.

"A-and he's killed a Basilisk, with a sword from Dumbledore's office." Neville chimes in.

"It's true." Ginny confirms, her and I sharing a look.

"And third year he fought off about a hundred Dementors at once." Ron tells everyone.

"And last year, Harry saved me from You-Know-who." I tell everyone.

"Look, it all sounds great when you say it like that. But the truth is, a lot of it was luck. I didn't know what I was doing half the time, I nearly always had help--" Harry begins to explain, trying to think about what to tell everyone.

"He's just being modest." Hermione says, but Harry turns to her and shakes his head.

"No, Hermione. I'm not." then looks back to the rest of the group. "Facing this stuff in real isn't like school at all. In school, if you make a mistake you can just...try again tomorrow. But out there, when you're a second away from being murdered...or watching a friend die right before your eyes..." Harry tells them honestly, "you don't know what that's like." Harry says before taking a seat.

I return to my seat between the twins and Hermione takes a seat next to Harry, "You're right Harry, we don't. That's why we need your help. Because if we're to have any chance of beating V-Voldemort..." Hermione says.

"Is he really back?" a young boy asks, and Harry just nods.

"Right, let's make this official then." I speak up, pulling out a pen from my bag, "Where do we sign?" I ask giving Harry a smile.

Soon enough we all line up before a table, Hermione has a parchment and pencil ready. The three of them sign first, then me, followed by George and Fred. At the top pf the paper read 'Dumbledore's Army' fitting honestly.


A group of us head back to the castle from Hogsmeade, trying to figure out where to even have a proper meeting to practice magic. The trio were in the front leading the way, then Ginny and Neville in the middle, with Fred, George and I following behind.

"...all right--next thing is to find a place to practice where Umbridge won't find out" Harry thinks out loud.

"The shrieking shack?" I suggests, but Harry shakes his head no.

"Too small." Harry responds.

"The Forbidden Forest?" Hermione suggests.

"Not bloody likely." Ron shoots down.

"Harry...What happens if Umbridge does find out?" Ginny asks.

"Oh, who cares. I mean, it's sort of exciting, isn't it? Breaking the rules?" Hermione responds, rather giddy about the whole thing.

"Who are you, and what have you done with Hermione Granger?" Ron questions, not use to rebellious Hermione.

"Anyway...we know at least one positive thing came from today." Hermione changes the subject.

"What's that?" Harry asks

"Cho just couldn't keep her eyes off you, could she..." Hermione tells him with a smile, causing him to look a bit embarrassed. Oh I am so, messing with Harry because of this.


1176 words 

Hope you enjoy!




Lots of Luv~ snowflake

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