"Hey, so you know that we were shooting for a month now" she started talking "and some of the actors are going to a bar this weekend. There is going to be karaoke and an open bar, and you and Aiden can come if you want"

"Are you sure? I don't wanna bother you" you replied.

"Yes, all of us agree to invite you two so there's no problem," she said.

"Okay, sure" you smiled at her "I'm sure Aiden is in too"

"Great, I'll let the boys know," she said.

"Who's going?" You asked, setting her makeup on place.

"Oscar, John, Dumhnall, and Adam. And me of course" she said "I wanted to have another girl in the group so I invited you. But it was Adam's idea actually"

You blushed while hearing his name. You agree to go, and you decided to meet them after dinner at the lobby hotel. We were all going together.

Daisy left. You took a look outside. it already stopped raining. You took a seat on one of the chairs and scrolled through your phone waiting for the next actor to come.

Adam knocks on the door and entered the motorhome. He was wearing black jeans and a navy sweater, looking so beautiful as usual.

"Good morning," he said, smiling at you.

"Hey, you" you replied, standing up from your seat.

"I see you got my gift," he said, sitting while pointing at the rose.

"So it was you," you said, lifting your eyebrows. "You didn't have to"

"I know, but you left so quickly last night, and I don't know" he talked, looking at your eyes "I wanted to do something nice for you".

"Thanks, Adam. It was really nice" you smiled back at him.

Out of nowhere, he stood up and took your wrists, lifting your sleeves. Your burns revealed, and you blushed, looking away from his face. He ran his fingers slowly were the marks where.

Suddenly, he kissed you gently on the lips, putting his hands on your cheeks. It was a kiss that you've never received for him before, he just pressed his lips against yours, not making a move. You closed your eyes and enjoy his softness.

He broke the kiss and looked at you, smiling. That was amazing, your heart was racing and your cheeks were flushed. He was still staring at you, touching softly your hair.

You got interrupted by someone entering the motorhome, and you two separated for each other, doing something else to not look suspicious.

Oscar and John came in running, you didn't realize that it was raining again.

"Good morning boys," you said, looking at them. Adam was sitting, touching his lips, and looking at the floor.

You started putting makeup on Adam's face, while the other guys were goofing around the motorhome. Any of them had nothing to do but wait for their turn, so they just hang out there.

"Are you two coming tonight?" John asked, looking at Adam and you.

"I am," you said, looking at Adam's face.

"Me too," he said, looking into your eyes.

When you finished his makeup, he stayed at the motorhome waiting for the rain to calm down. His phone started ringing, and he answered, sitting on the couch.

Oscar, John and you kept talking quietly, giving Adam some privacy. Then, he started talking louder.

"There you go again, I can't stand you anymore" he spoke, angry. "You know that I can't go back to New York, I'm working!"

You kept putting makeup on John's face.

"Can you stop screaming? You're talking nonsense" Adam said, standing up and walking around. "You're so wrong! You have no idea, you're just so into your thoughts than you don't realize how wrong you are!" He shouted.

Everyone stayed quiet, trying not to look at him.

"Well maybe I don't want this either" he stayed in silence. "You know what? I'm done, I don't have time for this" he was red with furious. "Alright then, FINE!" He screamed and then hung up.

He sat down and put his head on his hands, looking down.

"Are you alright man?" Oscar asked.

"Yeah, sorry guys," Adam said, looking up. "I just... I think my marriage is over"

The boys and I looked into each other, not sure if we should say something. Adam stood up.

"Fuck" he whispered, getting out the motorhome.


Back at the hotel, Aiden and you were in your room, choosing the right outfit for you.

"I miss partying so much," you said, looking through your clothes.

"Same girl, I'm gonna get so drunk tonight," Aiden said, making you laugh. "I hope you'll join me"

"Hell yeah, we deserve it" you responded.

After looking and trying all your possible outfits, finally, you agreed on one. You put on a tight black skirt, and a black bodysuit with a long cleavage, making your breasts pop and your neck longer. You put on some red heels, cutting off al the black. And on top, a leather jacket.

"You look so hot, like a rockstar's groupie," Aiden said, looking at you while you looked at the mirror.

"You don't think is too slutty?" You asked, feeling insecure.

"Girl, there is nothing such as too slutty"  he replied. "You gotta show what God gave you," he said, making you laugh.

"I'm gonna do my makeup and I'll meet you downstairs, okay?" You asked, watching Aiden getting up to leave your room.

"Alright. Love you!" He exclaimed, before closing the door.

Today you were feeling yourself, you felt pretty, sexy, and good with your body. This self-esteem wasn't consistent so you took advantage of it.

You put on makeup, emphasizing your eyes with shimmer shadow, liner, and mascara. Your face was contoured, blushed, and highlighted. You put on nude lipstick, keeping the attention on your eyes.

You felt amazing and ready to have fun tonight.

Forbidden Lust - Adam Driver Where stories live. Discover now