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"No, I do not still love you Stilinski." I told him, am I lying? I have no idea. How long is this song? Like I swear we've been dancing for too long.

"What do you say Dawn? We've been through hell together Friends?" He raised a brow and you could see a grin at the corner of his lips.

"Fine, but don't make me regret this Stilinski." I told him and I saw him smiling.

"No promises." He said and I rolled my eyes at him. "You do realise I have to go back to Washington tomorrow."

"We'll make it work." He said and I raised a brow at his confidence. He twirled me around spinning me back in his arms. Damn I missed his scent.

I looked over at Theo and Hope still dancing and she leaned in placing a kiss on his lips. I pressed my lips together and they hugged dancing and Theo grinned looking at me. Of course he got the girl.

The song stopped and I pulled away from Stiles. I walked over to my chair siting down and I saw Theo walking to me grabbing a chair sitting down.

"She kissed me." He grinned and I nodded. "I saw dude."

"You danced with Stiles." He stated and I nodded. "Yeah, we're friends." I told him and he widened his eyes.

"Wait, when did this happen?" He asked.

"Right now."

"Your gonna fall in love with him. Yep, I called it from day one." Theo said and he sounded more excited than me.

"Nope, not gonna happen. Not gonna happen Raken." I denied and Theo gave me 'we'll see' look.

"Just go dance with your girlfriend." I told him and he walked away as I looked at Lydia and Stiles dancing.

I sighed and I saw Ariel running up to me. She sat on my knees and I chuckled.  "Hey munchkin."

"I think you need a boyfriend." She said and I raised a brow. "Oh really? Says who?"

"Says me. Everyone here has a someone except you." She sassed and I scoffed.

"I think that's enough for you munchkin."

I saw Theo and Hope holding hands walking up to me. "Were gonna head off." Theo said and I furrowed my eyes.

"So early the party-" I was cut off by Theo coughing hinting at me. "Oh, have fun." I winked and they nodded.

"You might wanna cover you ears when you come home." Theo whispered and my face was grossed out as I covered Ariel's ears.

He walked away and Ariel stood up folding her arms looking at me.  "What?"

"Told you, you need a boyfriend." She said and I rolled my eyes. "That's the last time I get advise from a five year old, you little munchkin."

She ran of gigling and I sighed looking over at all he couples. Damn, the five year old is right.

I got home and I saw Theo's room door shut. Yep there having sex. Explains the sock on the door.

Nope, I'm not sleeping here. I hopped back on my motorcycle and I rode down until I got to where I needed.

I knocked on the door and Stiles stood there furrowing his eyes. "You mind if I sleep here?"

Ariel ran out to me and I lifted her in my arms. "Of course you can. We have a guest bedroom." Stiles said and I smiled walking in.

"Yay!" Ariel yelled and I saw Lydia furrowing her eyes. "What's going on?"

"Dawn asked if she could stay the night." Stiles informed and she smiled shrugging. "Of course she can. Let me go get you some pyjamas." She said and I smiled.

"Ariel, you should get some rest." Stiles told her and she frowned. Damn , her frown gets everyone's attention.

"No, I wanna stay awake with everyone." She said and I chuckled. "I'll tuck her in before she has a tantrum. I can't imagine her tantrum with your's and Lydia's genes." I told Stiles and he chuckled as she dragged me to her room.

I tucked her in and I sat with her on the bed. "I wanna hear a story." She said, is this kid demanding.

"Okay, you ready for this one Munchkin." I said and she nodded.

"There was once a girl, she was all alone. No one with her. Working non stop. But then she went to school and she decided she's gonna make her dreams come true if what she wanted to be. She had a rough time growing up and met a few rough obstacles on the way. In the end she got the job, she is finally happy. Moral of the story, everything works out. Sometimes." I told her and I could tell by her drousyness that she was tired.

"What was her name?" Ariel asked rubbing her eyes and I sighed. "Her name was Dawn Evans." I heard Stiles and I turned my head to him as he leaned against the door with his arms folded.

"Bedtime." He smiled walking over to her kissing her head. "Night munchkin." I smiled walking out the room.

"Actually I was gonna call her Alex." I told him and he rolled his eyes. "Lydia gave these." I saw silk nightgown's and I widened my eyes.

"Hell no, do you really not know me Stilinski? Are we even friends."

"Yeah, that's why I swapped them out with some of mine." He said and I looked at the comfy clothes in his other hand.

"Thankyou Stilinski!"

I headed to the guest bedroom getting changed and I swear I could fall asleep any moment in these.

I walked out and I sat on the couch. Stiles sat down next to me and I switched on Friends.

"Isn't this like your-"

"Ten hundredth time. Yes, but do I care? No." I grinned and Stiles grabbed his phone.

"I'm ordering pizza. Want any?" He asked and I nodded. "Thank God.  I couldn't take anymore fancy food from the wedding."

"Lydia sitting with us?" I asked and he shook his head. "Nope, she's tired after all the planning."

"I wouldn't blame her. Did you see the wedding she pulled off. You have one hell of a fiancé." I stated and he nodded.

"Yeah, I'm glad I have her." He smiled and i nodded. I think I need a Lydia in my life.

I literally woke up to someone tapping my shoulder. I saw Ariel hugging a bear and she looked up at me. 

"Aunt Dawn, can I sleep with you instead?" She asked and I was literally half asleep.

"Hop in munchkin." I smiled and she fell asleep next to me. I'm glad I have this kid in my life.

Yes I haven't uploaded in a while, but I took a break and i have been uploding an outer banks story. I also have a couple more chapters ready. But enjoy.

Running Back To You➳Stiles Stilinski{2}Where stories live. Discover now