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I flew out to Beacon Hills and I was on my way to Theo's. I was here for Scott's wedding. And Lydia had planned it all since Malia has no idea what she's doing. Well that's the perks of being a were-cyote all your life.

And right now I'm arriving at Theo's. I knocked on the door and he opened it smiling. "I hate you. Come in." He said and I smiled cheekly.

"I love you to."

I put my bags down and he lay on the couch. "Didn't you and Malia have something going on?" I asked looking down at him.

"That was when I was evil. And hot. And I'm still hot." Theo joked around.

"That, my friend is debatable. Is hope coming over?" I asked and he nodded. "Before you say anything. Don't start. Were just friends." Theo sounded like he was warning me and I rolled my eyes.

"Friends." I abreviated and I heard someone banging on the door. I furrowed my eyes walking to the door opening it and I saw Hope stood there crying. She looked up at me with and she brushed the tear of her cheek. And she had a huge bruise on her eye.

"Hey, are you okay? Of course not. Your crying right now." I said and she wiped her eyes.

"Is Theo here?" She asked and Theo walked to the door. "Woah, are you okay?" He asked and she hugged him tightly.

"He did that to your eye didn't he?" Theo asked and she nodded. "Stay, here. Dawn, keep her here." Theo said and he looked more angry.

I furrowed my eyes and I rushed up to him. "Theo, don't do something your gonna regret." I whispered and I saw blood dripping down from his hand.

"I'm not gonna regret it." He said running out. Yeah that's not gonna end well.

I saw her sat on the couch with her head in her hands and I knelt down to her. "Hey, look at me." I told her and she lifted her head up.

"Wanna tell me what happened?" I asked and she wiped her cheeks. "I broke up with him." She told me and I sighed.

"Your Theo's plus one. Aren't you?" I asked and she nodded. "Yeah, and now I have a massive bruise on my eye." She said and I took her hands.

"We can fix that. But we need to fix the whole the situation right now." I told her and she nodded.

"Why don't you go get some rest. We have to get up early in the morning anyway." I suggested and she nodded walking to Theo's room.

I walked out the room grabbing my motorcycle keys in Theo's jar. I kept one motorcycle here and one in Washington.

I hopped on it and I looked at Theo's location on my phone. I drove to where he was at and I walked into an average size house and I saw Theo gripping a guy who was on the ground and he had a bloody nose.

He was about to punch him and I grabbed his arm. "Theo don't." I told him and he pulled away starring at me. He glew his eyes at me and I glew mine back.

"Get back in your truck. And drive to a girl who needs your company more than anyone." I advised and he nodded walking out.

"Thank you." The guy said and I looked down at him. "Your a dick for even touching that girl." I told him and I punched him walking out.

I stopped at the door turning my head to him. "Oh, and I'm an FBI cop, a bad as one too. So don't even try go to the cops. Because saying a girl beat you up. Would make you look like an idiot."

I walked back in Theo's apartment and I put my keys on the table. I saw Theo walking out his room where Hope was sleeping.

Running Back To You➳Stiles Stilinski{2}Where stories live. Discover now