Pretty Dress

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Ariel screamed out of excitement as we rode on my motorcycle. We got to the reception and I helped her of. "How did you find the ride?" I asked and she had a huge smile on her face.

"It was, awesome!" She yelled and I chuckled. I saw Scott in his suit and he walked over to me. "Scott!" He hugged me tightly. Yep I deffinetly don't do hugs.

"How are you, I've not seen you in five years." Scott asked and I nodded. "Yeah, I'm an FBI agent. I almost died, again by the way. And then I get a call from you saying your getting married." I explained the last five years quickly. Leaving out the Stiles part.

"Your getting married today." I told him and he nodded and you could tell he was nervous.

"Yep, totally not nervous." He shook his head and I grinned. "Scott, you gonna be fine. Your marrying the girl you love." I told him and I saw guests starting to walk to sit down.

"This must be Ariel." He looked down at her. "My names Ariel Lorraine Martin Stilinski my mom and dad talk about you a lot." She said and Scott seemed impressed.

"She's got the sassines of her dad. And the intellegence of her mom." I told him and Scott laughed.

"I can tell." Scott said and she had a huge smile on her face. I saw Lydia and Stiles arrive in the jeep that somehow was still alive and the both hopped out of it.

"You should probably go do your groom stuff." I told him and he nodded walking away. Stiles walked up to me and he picked up Ariel.

"So how was it?" Stiles asked her. "I want to go on rides with Dawn all the time." She said and I chuckled.

"Here is your bouquet of flowers." Lydia handed me it and I sighed. "Seriously, do I have to hold this?" I groaned and she nodded.

"Okay, Ariel. Like we practiced, hold the basket and spread the flowers everywhere." Lydia told her and she nodded.

"Okay mommy." She nodded and Lydia looked over at Ariel's basket. "Dawn, fix his tie please?" Lydia said walking away and I sighed.

I took the tie placing it around his neck. "I wouldn't do this if I didn't have a choice. Your fiancé always gets her way."

"You think I don't know." Stiles scoffed and I did his tie. "How does it feel being at your ex girlfriends wedding?"

"Okay, you don't have to phrase it like that." Stiles said and I smirked. I didn't realise our faces were this close and he looked down at me.

I was about to walk away until I felt him grab my hand. "Cute bracelet."

"I was thinking about throwing it away." I told him pressing my lips together. "Okay, Malia's here. You guys ready to walk in?" Lydia asked and I nodded.

"Wait, who am I walking in with?" I asked and I saw Liam coming out of his car. "Liam." She smiled and I slowly inhaled.

I swear if this wedding hasn't ruined me before. It has now. "Dunbar, seriously?"

"What's wrong with me?" Liam asked and I signed looking at him. "Liam, there's nothing wrong with you, except there's everything wrong with you." I told him and he looked taken back.

"Guys! We have to walk in." Lydia said and I sighed linking my arms with Liam's.

"Well, I'm not pissing of a Martin today. This girl can banshee kick my ass." I whispered to Liam and he couldn't help but laugh.

Stiles and Lydia slowly walked in and me and Liam followed behind them. This is a long isle. "Seriously, what's so wrong with me?" Liam questioned.

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