case solved

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"And case solved." I shut the file. God does that feel satisfying to say. "You figured all that out in the three days you've been here?" Sheriff asked and I nodded.

"You make a great team." Sheriff smiled and I forced a smile back. "Technically I was all Dawns-" Stiles was about to back me up until I stood on his foot.

"Yeah, we do make a good team." I said and sheriff nodded as he walked put his office.

"Why'd you do that?" Stiles asked and I shut the door. "Because Stilinski, I'm trying to save your job." I told him about to walk out.

"Wait, come back." He said and I turned my head. I gently took my hand and he placed the bracelet in my palm.

"I gave it to you so you could keep it. Not throw it in my face." Stiles sighed and I took placing it in my pocket.

"Ill see you around. I guess now I go back to Washington." I told him and I grabbed my helmet running out.

No way, he is not on my bike right now. "Welcome back sis." He had open arms and I ran into them hugging them.

"You were in Beacon Hills for two days and didn't even think about visiting me?" Derek asked and I laughed.

"Just shut up and let me enjoy this." I groaned and he chuckled. He looked at my badge and he raised his eyes.

"You do realise I'm not on good terms with the FBI." Derek said and I sighed. "Not anymore, thanks to me. I somehow convinced them that your innocent." I told him and he raised a brow.

"This is why I love you." Derek said and I chuckled. "Wanna give me a ride to where your staying?" Derek asked and I nodded.

"Hop on."

I walked up the apartment stairs Derek behind me and I opened the apartment door to see a cute girl and Theo talking. More like flirting.

"Hey, your home." He smiled and I looked at what seemed like Hope. "Im guessing this is Hope. Aka your-" Theo  covered my mouth and I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah, I am Hope." She smiled and I smiled back. "Im Dawn. And your pretty. Theo talks about you." I grinned looking back at Theo.

"He does? Well what does he say?" She asked and I think this girl reminds me of someone. Me.

She has brunette hair, brown eyes. Please tell me it not another Hale. (MEDIA)

"I guess Theo has a thing for brunettes." I teased and Theo widened his eyes and so did Hope.

"I think I should go." Hope said grabbing her jacket and I furrowed my eyes. Did I say anything wrong.

Theo waved her off and she shut the door. "She has a boyfriend." Theo groaned and I widened my eyes.

"That sounds like whole other Dawn and Stiles relationship." Derek commented and I grabbed a pillow throwing it at him.

"Don't worry Theo.  You'll get the girl, you allways will." I winked and he nodded.

"Now, I reunited with my brother. I'm on good terms with my ex boyfriend who is somehow my bestfriend.  And I have to go back in two days. I wanna watch a movie." I told them and Derek sighed.

"I can't, sorry sis. I got some stuff to deal with. But have fun." He said heading out and I nodded.

"Guess it's another Dawn and Theo movie night." I huffed grabbing some popcorn and Theo ordered pizza.

I heard a knock on the door and I looked over at Theo. "Who's that?" I asked and Theo shrugged walking over to the door.

He opened it and I saw Ariel and Stiles standing there. "You guys mind babysitting?" Stiles asked.

"Theo I think I'll take it from here." I smiled and he nodded. I grabbed the huge headphones and I stuck them on Ariel's head playing music. She's not gonna wanna hear this.

"You want me to take care of your child. Let me get this right. The kid you had whilst you were still in love with me? So you can have a date night with Lydia." I asked raising a brow folding my arms and Stiles didn't say anything.

"Please?" He asked and I looked down at the 5 year old. "Sure, I'll take care of the munchkin." I said taking the head phones of her head and she took my hand.

"Have you told her about the supernatural shit yet?" I asked and he shook his head.

"Just entertain her." Stiles said giving me her backpack. I shut the door and I looked back at Ariel.

"Were babysitting my ex's kid!" I yelled and Theo came out. "She's cute." Theo said and I looked down at her.

"You wanna play?" I asked and she nodded. Were gonna play tag, you ready?" She nodded and she chased me around the room.

We ran and played and I heard a thud. I turned my head and saw Ariel on the ground crying.

"God your parents are gonna kill me." I said trying to calm her. I looked at her and I had a small smirk on her face.

"You wanna see something cool?" I asked and she nodded rubbing her tears. I saw the graze on her leg and I glowed my eyes placing my hand over the wound healing it.

"Woah!" She said and she seemed shocked and I chuckled. "You have to pinky swear that you don't tell mommy or daddy. Okay?" I asked and she nodded gripping my pinky finger.

I had a really bad feeling in my stomach. I felt like someone was dying and I felt my air sockets closing.

"Woah, Dawn. Hey, hey, you okay?" Theo ran to me and I couldn't breathe.  It's like someone was just hit really hard in the chest.


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