Chapter Twenty-Seven: Bullets

Start from the beginning

"The lights," Chris spoke in a hush voice, as his gaze was on me, and I gave him a nod of my head. I turn the corner, and stop, before crushing my hand into a fist and electrical currents began to spit out, and sparks flew to the ground from both of the dangling lights. Chris charges from the corner and down the hallway, hitting the first hunter in the face with the butt of his shotgun, then another in square in the face. I smile as I walk down the hallway and into the smoke. Suddenly, a hunter came into view, coughing but his eyes widen, as I punched him the chest, sending him flying backwards with the force.

Out of no where, shots were left off, as they pierced through the smoke. But they were quickly silenced due to Chris. I pushed forward, but a hunter comes from the smoke once again, but a different one. He aimed his gun and shot, but I vamp-sped through the bullets, and came behind him. I grab hold of his nape, and threw him to the right, hard, rendering him unconscious. The smoke from the grande began to lift, and I could see the wave of bodies that laid in the hallway, all of them unconscious. Through the smoke, I see Chris and Lydia come running down my way.

"You said the doors were solid steel," Lydia spoke to Chris.

"I said they'll stop a bullet, not a Banshee or a Hybrid," Chris spoke his gaze cocking between Lydia and I, before nodding his head to the steel door. 

"You scream, I'll weaken the door," I told Lydia as she began to psyche herself up, taking deep breaths. Within seconds, she screams, a loud shrieking sound came to ear as I jolted my hand forward a dint came to the middle of the door. Then I jolted my hand again, making another dint in the door, but the door began to creak with the force of Lydia's voice and my magic. With both hands I jolted them out, and the door came off it's hinges and landed on the ground inside the armoury. As Scott and Malia got a bring intake of air, there eyes on Lydia and I. "Thank God,"I lowered my hands and rush into the room, Lydia and Chris on my tail. 

"You guys alright?" Lydia asks and they both nod in agreement as we got in just in time. Chris looks back into the storage part that Malia and Scott open, to see a world map, red dots placed on it. But I went to help Scott and Malia to stand to their feet. We were lucky this time around...


We got the hell out of the armoury and back to Scott's house. Chris took the map off the wall and brought it back to the house, he had it rolled up but he places on the kitchen table and rolls it out. Melissa, him, Lydia, I and Mason stood around it. All our gazes was staring down at the map, red dots scattered all over there was seven in total. 

"They're Nemetons," Chris spoke. Ever since we found out about the Nemeton in Beacon Hills, I always thought there be more than one out there. But it also held power, it gave Jennifer her powers... 

"What does Gerard want with them?" Melissa asks her tone of voice kind of worried, bringing me out of my thought.

"If they're like the one here, then they're beacons for the supernatural," Mason states from the left side of me, his eyes cocking to Melissa. 

"If you wanted to kill every supernatural creature in the world, these are where you would start," Chris states as this was madding, he couldn't kill every supernatural in the world.

"Well, then Gerard isn't gonna stop with Beacon Hills, is he?" Melissa states again worried as her gaze was on Chris.

"He wants the whole world," Chris replies back to her. 

"That's genocide," I state with horror in my voice. "There's thousands of supernaturals out there," my voice trembled with the thought of all the supernatural beings hunted down and killed. Just then, the kitchen door opens and we all shot our heads to see Agent McCall come through.

"Where's Scott?" He asks taking his gaze to Melissa. 

"Upstairs. Why?" She replies bluntly to him.

"He can't leave. No one can," Agent McCall states, but I fear him being here was something bad.

"Nice to see that you changed your mind, but I'm afraid to ask why," Melissa responded to him, eyes connected. 

"It's Gerard's weapons," he states to us, meaning that this information he was going to give us wasn't going to be good.

"Dad?" Scott's voice filled the air, as he and Malia comes into the room. 

"The guns, they've all been distributed legally to the citizens of Beacon Hills. All of them, and at no charge," Agent McCall spoke his eyes flickering between us all.

"What, he just gave them away?" Scott asks taking a step forward to the table.

"No... He's arming his army," Chris states to us all. But my mind went back to the Nemeton, and how it has power flowing through it, and into the Earth. Maybe, their all connected in a way...

"We don't need an army, because you have me," I began as everyone brought their eyes to me. "The Nemeton, it holds massive amounts of power. What if I could tap into the power, and use it?" I ask aloud my eyes flickering between Scott and the rest.

"But last time you died having that much power," Scott announces with a quite stern voice. 

"I know, but it's the only option. Only way is to find out," I replied back to him as I folded my arms over my chest.

"Get Down!" Lydia's voice rang out beside me, making me frown, but she grabs me and pulls me down, but I grabbed Mason as well. Suddenly, I hear glass smash and arrows whistling through the air and then gun shots rang throughout. I grab hold of Mason and Lydia, keeping them low to the ground. 

"Stay low!" I yell to them as they nod and held each other down, but I vamp-sped to my feet and looked through the window as the red dots moved around. "Incen-" A shot rang out, and as I hitched my breath, but with one quick swoop. I fell to the ground and darkness enclosed me...

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