Chapter 1

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As my alarm went off I didn't want to get out of bed. It was another boring Monday at school. Eventually, I dragged myself out of bed and got ready. When I went outside to wait for the bus I noticed that it was raining and I was stuck outside with no coat and no umbrella. The bus couldn't come soon enough.

The bus ride dragged until it reached my best friends stop. I noticed in the corner of my eye someone sitting next me. I turned to see my best friend Lauren. I noticed that she had dyed her hair bright pink. "Pink hair? When did this happen?" I asked. She went to tell this long complicated story about how she wanted to change her appearance because she had got bored with being normal. "So this doesn't have anything to do with getting Leo's attention?" I asked knowing the answer. Lauren laughed and tried to deny it but it wad no use. I had known her for 7 years and I could always tell when she was lying. Plus, Leo is all she ever talks about. Leo is this boy in our year with brown eyes and brown hair. He is full name is Leondre Devries. He is amazing at rapping. Most of the girls in our year really like him. He never really seems to notice all of the attention that he gets. It is like he is completely oblivious, yet it doesn't put any if the girls off.

When we got to school we were greeted by our other friends Kayla, Nadine and Imogen. We were all having a really ling conversation about Lauren's new hair colour when I saw my jerk ex Liam and his new girlfriend May. May is the biggest slut in our year group. She wears her skirt so high I am scared that she is going to start flashing. She wears so much make up that you could mistake her for a plastic Barbie doll. We all think that her long blonde hair is mainly cheap extensions. She is an absolute bitch to everyone. She used to bully Imogen and every time she walks past me she always makes some petty comment. Nadine has this comment about May: "The boys only like her because she's easy" and Kayla always adds "and free". I tried my hardest to ignore them but every now and then I found myself looking their directions. I hated how much it annoyed me. But there was no way that it wouldn't considering he dumped me for her. When the bell went for classes I was actually happy because it meant that I would no longer have to see them being together.

I had maths first and Nadine was the only one of my main friends who was in my class. I sat in my seat which was at the back of the class. Being at the back meant that I could daydream and sir wouldn't notice. I was sat next to Leo and an empty seat. Most of the girls were really jealous of me because it was only me and Leo who were sat on the back row. We would have a bit of a laugh but generally it was quite awkward. Just as the second bell for lessons rang a boy who I had never seen before walked in. He had blonde hair that he wore in this gorgeous hair style, beautiful blue eyes and cute dimples. I sat and admired the boy. Honestly, I thought that he was hot. Sir went and spoke to him then gestured towards the empty seat next to me. The (hot) boy came and sat next to me. "Hey Leo" he said on his way to sit down. "Hey Charlie" Leo replied. After the (hot) boy sat down he turned to face me and said "Hi I'm Charlie" and as he spoke I realised that he was English due to his accent. The (hot) boy now had a name. "Hi I'm Kira" I replied. He smiled at me. His smile was sexy and gorgeous. "So how do you two know each other?" I asked, genuinely curious. "We've been friends for years. I have been trying to convince Charlie to move her for ages" Leo responded.

We spent the rest of maths talking and laughing, the three of us. I was mesmerised by Charlie and hung onto his every word. I think that I might have been falling for him.

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