chapter eleven

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Lea P.O.V.

I couldn't feel anything. I was so weak that I couldn't open my eyes. Who know how long I've been here. My stomach hurt so bad. I haven have anything to eat in so long. Also I haven't seen Wyatt since he locked me here. My wound doesn't bleed anymore only if I move.

The floor is soaking with my blood. The only thing I do here is falling in a dark sleep full with nightmares and every time I wake up screaming. Once when I woke up screaming I saw a shadow standing outside the door. He stood there for a sec before he walked away. 

It was so cold here that the only way I have heat is if I hug my knees. The door opened letting some light into the dark closet. My vision was blurry, but I could see a figure walking into the closet. A warm hand grab my arm sitting me straight against the wall.

A few groans escape my mouth from the pain in my body. A arm wrapped around my waist picking me up from the ground. We walked out the dark and cold closet in to the light and warm hallway. I'm finely out of that cold and empty room. I don't know who picked me up or if people finely found me. Maybe I'm saved and this nightmare id finely over.

All I could see is darkness so I couldn't see who was carrying me. I hear two doors opening before they put me back down on the ground. I put all my strength into opening my eyes and saw that I was into a bedroom.

There was water running and I follow the sound. I look to my left side and saw Wyatt sitting on the bathtub. He was running his finger under the water making sure that it was the right  temperature.

Why am I here?

I look down and saw that I'm cover in blood.  I didn't notice that Wyatt was kneeling  next to me until his hand when to my top.

" No."

My voice was so raspy and weak that I don't know if he heard me. His hand came from behind his back revealing a cloth. A questioning look came on my face before he put the cloth on my mouth. This looked al to familiar.

The cloth had the same smell like the last time he put one on my mouth. No he's drugging me again. I try to grab his arm, trying to pushing it off, but it he was to strong.  I fell in to a weak slumber.

Now and then I would wake up and look around. I saw how I was sitting in the bathtub. The water turned red from all the blood that was on me. I look down and saw that I was only in my bra and underwear, who turned red from the water. 

Wyatt was sitting beside me trying to get the blood of off me. But something looked wrong at him. He looked worried and I don't know why. After a while he drain the bathtub and wrapped a towel around my shivering body.

He picked me up out the bathtub before placing me on the ground in front of it. I pull the towel tighter around my body trying to get myself so warmth. He got something out of the cabinet before walking back to me.

I was still halve unconscious when I fell a sharp pain running to my side over and over again. Like someone was poking me with a needle. It finally stopped and I fell asleep again. I was still weak and so tired. I didn't notice that Wyatt had walked out the room until he came back with my bag.

Once I was back conscious I crawl away from him. He hurt me and locked me up in the close for who know how long.

" Here are your cloths, you have ten minutes to change until I come back."Once throwing the bag in front of me I looked at him and nodded. Once he closed the door I took the bag on my lap and try to find some nice and warm cloths.

I grab a long sleeve shirt and some warm sweatpants. I strip down out of my old underwear and bra before putting some new once on. I could hear him walking upstairs when I put on my long sleeve shirt.

Quickly I put on my pants trying to catch my balance. I was just in time before he opened the door. I was holding on to the sink for my dear life. Everything around my was spinning. A arm wrapped around my waist picking me up from the ground.

 He carry me to the bed laying me down. Quickly I pulled the covers on me so I could get some warmth.

" You need to eat. You haven't eating in four days." Wyatt handed me a tray with food and I began to eat. He left me alone to eat to do something else. Why is he nice to me? I try to ran away again and hit him in the head with a bottle. When I was finish with my food I put it away.  I pull my shirt up and look at the wound.

It's been clean up and stitch together again. I wane go home, I don't want to be here anymore. Tears stream down my face, I was having a panic attack again. My breath got heavier.

"Not know, not know." I whisper to myself.

The door opened and Wyatt came walking in. First he didn't notice it, but when he got closer to get the tray. He saw me  panting trying to catch my breath.

" Lea? are you okay?" I shook my head no looking forwards. "

Are you having a panic attack?" I nodded my head not looking at him.

I couldn't breath it was so bad it hurt so much. Wyatt picked me up replacing my body with his on the bed. He put me on his lap with my back on his chest.

" Breath it's going to be okay." He whisper in my ear.

I closed my eyes shot trying the breath.

" Breath with me, okay? You can feel my chest going up and down."

I started to follow his lead taking deep breaths.

" That's better." He whisper before I fell asleep.

Save me (Under heavy editing!)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora