chapter ten

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Lea P.O.V

I ran upstairs closing the basement door behind me. I was so scared I just hit him in the head. I know he's going to kill me if he gets me.

I saw the front door and run to it, but with my luck I was locked. " Shit, please open, please open." I could hear him running up the stairs to the basement door. I quickly ran upstairs trying to find a way to hide. I ran in a room and saw that it was a closet.

Quickly I close the door when I hear him run upstairs. I crawl backwards until my back hits the wall. My heart was racing in my chest. It was like it would explode any minute now. I look down to my sides and saw that there was a blood stain on my top.

Slowly I pull it up and saw that my stitches were almost all lose. Why am I here, why did I deserve this. It was much better if he just killed me last year instead of this. I stopped breathing when I hear footsteps walking closer. Tears stream down my face while silent sobs escape my mouth.

Lea you have to be quiet or he's going to hear you. I quickly cover my mouth with my hands trying to be as quiet as possible. The footsteps stopped and there were no sound. It was so quiet that I could hear my heart beating. I was trying not to have a panic attack.

I look down at the door and saw a shadow standing in front of it.

He found me.

Slowly the door knob turn. No, no, please don't let him find me please. I hugged my knees burying my face in them. The door slowly opened and light came in to the dark closet. I try to crawl more backwards until I felt a burning pain went to my side were my wound was.

I grabbed it bending forwards in pain. I look up and saw Wyatt standing in the door opening.

" I don't want to hurt you Lea. " He kneel down in front of me grabbing my hand from my wound.

" But you give me no choice." Without any warning he push on the wound making it rip open. I scream my longs out, but he cover my mouth with his other hand. I could feel my flesh being rip open.

I wish that I could pass out, so that I don't have to feel the pain. He finally pull his hand away making me sighed in relief. vision was blurry from the tears, but I could see him looking at me. He put his hand up looking at it, I saw that it was covered in my blood.

Sobs escape my mouth while I saw all the blood on my side and on the ground. He wipe away the tears on my cheek leaving a stain of blood behind.

" Normally I should kill you, but I think you need to suffer first." He stood up walking away from me. The light was fading away and before I know it the door closed with a lucking sound after it. I was alone in the darkness looking at the door.

Rose P.O.V

It's been five days that Lea's mom was here. She alive and with him. Poor girl I can't imagine what she has go through.

" What do you think he want with her?" I asked Aaron. We were on our way to the place where he burry the kids. We had a letter yesterday saying that he killed again.

" Well, it's a lonely guy living alone, maybe he need someone." Poor girl. It must be terrible leaving with him. Having to see how he kills those kids.

" I just hope we can find her before it's too late."

We arrived at the crime scene. Police man were running around while others were baring the bodies out of the holes they were laying.

" What do we got." Aaron said to one of them.

" The same like every years. Five teenage three boys, two girls. They died in a horrible way. " I saw one of the girl's before they close the body bag.

One of her eyes were missing. " Is it true that he kidnapped a girl?" The police man asked.

" Yes. We got a letter from him saying that he's keeping her." I said looking around. We were surrounded by woods. There were fog hanging around the area. I pull my jacked closer to my body trying to gave me some warmth.

A cold breeze went through the woods making leaves flying in the air. We need to find her fast before we find her body.

Save me (Under heavy editing!)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu