Ch 10

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America sipped his coffee. It was disgusting. No cream or sugar. Not even milk. He didn't know why but he always drank his coffee black when he was upset. When he was disgusted, with himself or someone else.
"Good morning." He muttered as he heard, who he assumed was Russia.


America nodded. "We should get Svovadia. Remember? She's been at Dad's for, uh, well I don't really even know how long..."

"More reason to get her I guess." Russia said, clearing his throat.

"Yup..." He popped the p. 

It was silent enough for America to hear the faint ringing that shows up in awkward situations like this. Of course, it shows up whenever it likes, sometimes loud, sometimes faint. Why was he thinking about this? 

He didn't look at Russia. He tried to picture in his mind what he was doing. The pop of a lid, the shift of dirt? Coffee.

He imagined that Russia was smiling, that he was preparing coffee for the whole family. Even Svovadia, in this situation maybe she wouldn't be convinced that the coffee was alcohol. That, her father did in fact drink things other than vodka and other adult drinks.

What if they had a simple life? What if it was calm and peaceful. What if there never were the cold wars. No arguments, no fighting, no sex. What if they were just a simple pair of well-rounded fathers, with a lovely cheerful daughter. What if-

"America? Did you hear me?"

"Oh- uhm no, I didn't. I zoned out. Repeat it?"

"We need to get going. To get Svovadia? You forgot about her."

America forgot about her? What was that? Why was Russia putting this on him? It wasn't just him, no. Hell no. That's so stupid, he didn-

He's doing it again.


America didn't agree, but he didn't disagree. Openly at least. Maybe it was for the best.

"Let's go then." America stood up, downing the rest of his coffee. 

They walked outside together, Russia was holding one of Svovadia's toys. Maybe for some sort of, 
' Hey I didn't forget you! See? Look, it's your favorite toy! '

It made America smile.

The car ride was silent, and stiff. There was no movement aside from the turning of the wheel and other things needed to operate a car.

From America and Russia, there was only the occasional suppressed cough and uncomfortable glances.

Neither could bring themselves to turn on the radio. The ringing was back. Still faint. But definitely still there.

At the house, UK's house. They were still quiet. Only speaking when needing to.

Svovadia was even quiet for once. Maybe she sensed the awkwardness at the beginning, and was scared to try to act on anything.

The silence lasted a week. It was Friday again. 

They went to the meeting.

"I have some advice. For Russia especially. I've been thinking this over. You two need friends. You spend so much time together. No wonder you get on each other's nerves so easily." France had said at one point of the meeting.

It was the only thing really remembered by either of them. 

"I think Mom had a point. Maybe we should spend some time apart."

"You want to break up?"

"No. I want us to take a break is all. No arguing. I'm staying at Canada's. You can stay here. Poland said Germany are down the street. Maybe chill with them or something. Ok? Bye. Also week on week off with Svovadia."

America was quickly out the door. Maybe too quickly. Russia barely had a chance to say anything.

They were still together. So it's ok. Maybe they do need this break.

He sighed, and before he knew it, he was down the street knocking on Poland and Germany's door.

"Hall- Hallo Herr Russland, Russia-" It was their child, Casimir.

"Папа нет! Еще нет- I don't wanna go home, we're still coloring our plans out!" Svovadia groaned, slouching all over the chair she was in."

"Who is it?" Poland walked into the room holding a plump of dough.

"My Daddd- Papa are you taking me home?"

"Uh. Нет, no I am not. Not yet. Польша. I was wondering where Germany is?"

"Oh yeah, I'll get him. One second." He started walking off, "Jasne, znam Niemcy po angielsku, ale nie ja-" He muttered that bit under his breath. 

Russia waved to Casimir, who waved back before going back up to Svovadia to discuss the plans. 

Germany walked in,

"Oh, Russland? How are you?"

"I'm fine. I was wondering if you would go out somewhere with me. I'm supposed to be taking a break from America and I well-"

Germany snorted a bit. "Of course. Anytime." He turned to face Poland, "Polen, ich bin gleich wieder da. Ich liebe dich, tschüss."

Poland nodded and gave him the weird, 'I have yuck all over my hands' hug and kissed him.

Svovadia stuck her tongue out, "Das ist ekelhaft-" She whispered to Casimir. Who laughed a bit.

Germany rolled his eyes, and he and Russia left. Driving around for an hour before spotting a bar. 

After a bit of intoxication they seemed to get along more. Which allowed for more fun evenings together. America on the other hand, seemed to struggle...

Ah I feel like this was one of my weaker chapters. I'm definitely going to make it up with the next one. But don't get you hopes insanely high Lmao.

Oh any criticisms? Or critiques? Honestly any feedback in general is greatly appreciated.

I'm also wondering if I've been portraying Russia and America's relationship well? Like does it seem realistic enough? Lmao that's all ig. Yall do good now, see you Monday

Also its 420 today

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