🕳Ep.14: The Bottomless Pit🕳

Start from the beginning

"Where are we?!?"

At my question, Mabel pulled out a glow stick, turning it on and moving it around the place. "We're somewhere where it looks like we're nowhere." She then placed her hand through the glow stick's string, laughing a bit.

Dipper's face was pure panic as he spoke. "We're gonna land on something eventually, could be any second!!!"

We all prepared for an impact, waiting a few seconds to realize nothing was close to us yet. Dipper looked over at me, and I knew what he was trying to ask, but I shook my head.

My magic wasn't strong enough to lift up all five of us.

"Well, looks like we're down here for the long hall. Who wants to see some cards tricks?" Stan tried to shuffle the cards he had pulled out of his pockets, only for them to float up and away. "... Ta-da!!"

Mabel clapped for him, when Soos them spoke. "Hey, maybe we should pass the time by telling stories!"

Dipper raised his arm. "I've got a story! It's called: the time Grunkle Stan got us all thrown into a bottomless pit where we spend the rest of our natural lives!!!"

"... go on...."

I gently flicked his hat. "C'mon, Pinetree, if we're gonna be stuck here we might as well do something."

"Fine.." She took Mabel's glow stick, letting the light focus on his face. "I've got a story. A story I like to call..."

~~~Voice Over: Third Person POV~~~

(y/n), Mabel, Soos, and Wendy were outside playing Spin The Pig with Waddles while Stan was on the porch reading a newspaper.


"SPIN!!! THE!!! PIG!!!" They all yelled in synch before spinning Waddles around.

His nose pointed at Stan, and Mabel hugged her pig before looking over. "Hey Grunkle Stan, ever kissed a pig before?"

"I'm not gonna answer that question."

That's when Dipper suddenly came running over to the others, yelling as he held his arm. "Guys, guys!!!! I think I just got bit by a snake!!!! I need you to get me to a hospital, quick!!!"

To his surprise, Stan bursted into an uncontrollable laughter, confusing him. "What, what's so funny?!?"

"Eh, sorry, it's just hard to focus on what you're with that squeaky puberty voice you got there!!!"

"My what?!?"

Mabel stood up, joining their conversation. "It's nothing to be ashamed of, Dipper! You're voice is just 'hiLAriOus!!!'"

"Are you saying my voice cracks?!? My voice doesn't crack!!!"

(y/n) let out a small snicker. "Look, no offense, PT, but it cracks so much we already made a techo-remix out of it."

At the mention of it, Soos pulled out a mixtape, pressing the play button.

"Nice to meet you, my name's Dipper Pines! P-p-pines pines pines... Nice to meet you. P-p-pines pines pines... "

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