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This is about money

Clearly the chapter title states that

And now I'm rambling .



Money is not the most important thing in the world .

It's just a means to an end .

You have to take control over your money before it controls you .

Looking into your spending makes you analyse your habits and kick the unhealthy ones to the curb .

It's good to save especially when you're still living at home because you don't have many responsibilities .

Put aside some money at the end of the week and don't use it .

It may be small at first but it grows overtime .

Open another account specifically for your savings .

You can invest it and start your own business .

You can get sponsors to add to your start up money .

You can buy a car .

You can go on a trip .

You can buy property land or an apartment or a house .

Not within the first year after a couple of years .

Since your in school tips on how to save .

Don't try to fit in . It's too expensive . This also applies to older readers . There is peer pressure at all ages .

If you try to fit in , it will mean spending money you don't have which will lead to unnecessary debt and stress .

Shop at thrift stores and second hand stores . You are not trying to impress high society members . You'll get those good clothes in the future .

Carry your own lunch from home instead of buying lunch .

Invest in a good water bottle and carry water from home instead of buying water .

Stop going to the gym . Go for a jog . Use those weightloss apps like My Daily Exercise and My fitness pal OR read the previous chapters and follow those healthy tips and they work . I promise . Also get those workout DVDs for these personal trainers like Tracy Anderson , Jillian Michaels , Dolvett Quince and Bob Harper . Also Gunnar Peterson . You have a variety of trainers .

Don't buy things on impulse . When I see something nice . I usually decide to go the next day and If I want as much as I wanted it the previous I'd buy it . OR I always ask myself if I need it . There is a difference between want and need .

Drinking and smoking is extra expenses You may not see it but it's true

Read Ebooks instead of buying the actual book . There are many apps like Kindle , Aldiko book reader and even Wattpad

What else?

Don't be in a hurry to move out of home those are unwanted expenses

You only move out of home when your parents kick you out .

If you want to move out get a roommate to share the expenses with .

Use contraceptives because taking care of a child is expensive especially one you are not ready for . What's the need of having children if you can't take care of them? You'd rather stay childless .

I've written a lot
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