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I really need to address this.

The main reason I am telling you not to share these things is because everyone has their own set of bacteria and germs.

Those bacteria may probably react with your own bacteria and  may lead to weird reactions (I'm no good at chemistry but its just disgusting)

These are just a  few of the things you should not share.


Some wax gets stuck on your earphones and when you share them everyone else's wax gets stuck

on you earphones.When you get them back you put them on their wax gets into your ear.Its like using the same ear buds.My friends don't ask me for earphones.

2.Make up.Do not share any type of make up.Have your own products.This does not apply to those people who have acne but it applies to everyone.Communicable disease can spread through sharing lipstick.My friends never ask me to use their products because the answer is always the same.

3.Waterbottles.Do not share drinks.When someone takes my water and drinks it I just tell them to finish it because I won't be able to drink it again.

4.Head wear like caps and hats.It's basically like sharing combs and hair brushes.We all know the effect of that.

If you do this you are going to come off as snobby.But you should not care.We need to make sure that we are healthy and comfortable enough to go to school get good grades or even go to work get promotions.

I'm going to leave you with this quote I saw on twitter"when the voice on the inside becomes clearer than the noises outside then you've mastered your life"

hi there thank you for  reading.
I really hope this assists you

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