Chapter 11 - Hurt him to save him

Start from the beginning

"Why?" His fury masked his breaking voice. "Why are you doing this to me?"

"Not everything is about you, Winchester."

Allegra barely blinked. Dean tried to see the lie in her eyes. But there was nothing. No emotion, no regret, nothing. He let go and stepped back.

"Guess it's to be expected from an Archangel. The cold, selfish bitch is finally showing."

He scoffed and sneered at her.

"Good luck finding those rings."

He turned around and walked away. He thought he heard a gasp, but he didn't look back. There was nothing left for him in that room. Not anymore.

If Dean had turned around, he would've seen the mask fall off. He would've seen Allegra fall back, steadying herself against the windowsill He would've seen the tears streaming down her cheeks. He would've seen the broken young woman who lied to the man she wanted to be with more than anything in the world so that he would leave - because it was the only way.


An hour later, he was gone. Allegra watched the Impala drive away, and all she wanted to do was go after Dean. She remembered Sam mentioning a girl, Lisa, and hoped that's who he was going to see. She hoped Lisa would let him in and give him the life he could never have with her.
Allegra could've left then. Go back to roaming the country, living in woods and abandoned houses. Go back to being on her own, which was best for everyone. But she needed help looking for answers. Castiel and the other angels were ignoring her; she hadn't lied about that in her notebook. So there was only one other person she could turn to. And she would have to be completely honest with him.
She went downstairs to find Bobby sitting at his desk, drinking whiskey. The scowl he gave Allegra when she entered the living room told her enough. Bobby took the gun from a stack of books and aimed at her.

"You got about 10 seconds to get your ass out of my house, missy," he threatened.

"Please, wait," said Allegra, mustering all her courage. "I need your help."

"If you think I'm stupid enough to give you those rings, you're dead wrong. You've got 5 seconds left."

"I lied!"

Allegra pulled out a torn page to show Bobby. It was the one she wrote before Dean walked into her room. The one she had wanted him to read.

"I don't want to open the Cage, Bobby," she explained, sliding the page over the desk. "I just needed Dean to believe it."

"Why the hell would you do that?" he asked.

"Because I needed him to hate me."

"Again, why?"

"Because I don't want him to die."

Bobby lowered the gun a little bit and sat back in his chair, surprised at the answer. Allegra took her chance to continue.

"Look, I know you don't like me, Bobby. I know Dean is the only reason you haven't pulled that trigger yet and that with him gone, there's nothing stopping you from doing that. But I really need you to listen to me. And if you still wanna kill me after... you can."

The Hunter huffed but did put the gun down. He took another glass from one of the desk drawers, poured some whiskey, and put it in front of Allegra. She sat down and told him everything. Bobby let her speak for two hours without interrupting her. She told him how she was tortured in Hell (even showed him the scars, to which he turned sickly pale) and then saved by Michael. She told him about the plagues and her other powers, about getting Dean out of Hell and sticking around the Winchesters, and about Gabriel and what he told her. She finished with the last thing Lucifer said to her. He sighed and scratched his cap over his head when she was done.

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