✒️TWO: Within the studio

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Sorrow is such a funny thing, honestly. Or perhaps it's because I've finally lost my marbles. Everyone says I have. Even the ones I love most will admit that I'm a little crazy.
I miss when the times felt so wonderful, and I was young and free... I was so young, so so young. Now look at me, still grieving the death of my parents when normal people would have already moved on. Jake has.
Gosh, I'm a fucking mess.

Take a deep breath in, and a deep breath out, and press on, I told myself. The floors protested.
Continuing on and looking around, there was still no sign of Mr. Drew. As a matter of fact, there was no sign of anyone being her for years. Nightfall sneezed from the dust piling into his nostrils. Gosh, I really should've left him home. Oh well, what's done is done.

My eyes drifted to one of the desks, which happened to be my father's desk. Papers and drawings were scattered throughout the desk; you couldn't even see the dark wood of the desktop with all those papers. I picked up one of the drawings, and what do you know, it was one of my childish drawings. I'm surprised dad would even keep them. But then again, I am his one and only daughter and he would've done anything and everything just to see me smile.

The drawing was of me and him and Jake in stick figure form. I had (h/c) pigtails, and (f/c) overalls over a (f/c) short-sleeved shirt. My brother had his hair swooped to the side; it was probably before summer when I drew this, therefore my brother's hair had not been cut short yet, a shaggy mop on his head instead. I emphasized that it was a mop in my drawing, anyway, yellow scribbles everywhere around his head. Dad's stick figure had a red tie and a brown line on top of his head that made up his hair. I smiled at the drawing, folding it up and putting it into my (f/c) purse I brought with me.

There was another drawing from my childhood that caught my eye: it was of Bendy.
It wasn't in stick figure form this time, though it was badly scribbled. The smile stretched wide on his face with lines as teeth, and the eyes were only two black dot boring holes into my very soul.
It didn't look like any kid drew this, but my name below told me I truly did draw this as a three year old.

An arrow pointed to Bendy, tilting him as somebody's friend, but the name was blotched with ink and dust, and I could only see a D and an A. Quickly I placed that drawing down and continued on my way, a cold shiver climbing up my back like a spider.
A big black, inky spider

My heart started to pound as I looked up in a slight fear. There, on the wall, was some sort of writing in ink. Fresh ink. Someone has been here. And I don't think that's a good thing.
"Joey?" My voice came out wavy, filled with worry and slight fear.
Alas, no one answered. Only the silence surrounding me at every corner, excluding the creaking of the floorboards. Joey, you prick.. How did dad even handle working with you.. I couldn't help but think that to myself, and if Joey was around I'd be snapping at him for his haunted maze of a studio. It really was a maze.

In one entrance, you were led directly to the Art Department. In the other, you were led to the lobby, but that one was locked up since police had investigated this place after my father's death. From what I heard from the streets, Mr. Drew was being sued for poisoning his employees, and abusing his child. But those are rumors I gathered from the streets. I don't know the real story of how JoeyDrewStudios fell into being only a memory.

Nightfall hissed at the writing and scratched it, resulting in getting ink on his paws. I quickly picked up Nightfall as he meowed a protest. Dreams come true.
"Dreams come true, huh?" I challenged it, immediately looking around, paranoid.
I expected a voice to say "Yes they do" or something, but looking around there was no figure and no voice.
Just me and my cat.

Standing there with the creepy note, I sighed to myself, "This is a complete waste of time," I looked down at Nightfall, "C'mon, boy, let's go home."

And mark my words, I would've been out of there, especially after what I saw.
Lost, I wandered into an unknown room. Nightfall hissed and clawed at my feet in an attempt to stop me, but I only scolded him and moved deeper into the room. I was then face-to face with a corpse.

     𝐄𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐈𝐧𝐤 | Ink Bendy x Depressed! ReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora