"You don't see this as a long term ah situation then?"

"Hell no man. Bree and I under the same roof for too long and we'd probably kill each other. We both need our privacy and space. You know how it is."

In fact Zandro did not know how it was. He was, however, determined to get a better understanding.

Breanne sat down by the lake literally shaking. How dare he just turn up out of the blue like that and then dare to comment on her living arrangements. The man had a hide. Breanne gave up on her writing and instead opted for a fast paced walk to clear her head. She had just started to get on top of her feelings and be comfortable with who she was. She was neither prepared nor ready to see him. Hopefully if she took long enough he would be gone when she got back.

Back at the house Zandro was feeling all kinds of a fool. Breanne always seemed to get him to behave out of character. He was notorious for keeping his head level and finding out all the facts before decisively acting. Yet here he had made assumptions, jumped to conclusions and insulted the one woman he didn't want to hurt. He heard her footsteps up the path and waited on the couch for her to return. Lance had gone out good naturedly to give them some privacy.

"Oh, you are still here."

Zandro hated hearing her flat tone. He needed to make this right. "I'm sorry I jumped to the wrong conclusion but you have to admit that it was a reasonable mistake to make?"

"That is how you apologise is it? No, Zandro that is simply not good enough. Oh, I made a mistake but really I'm not to blame?"

""You are right. I have no excuse. I'm sorry I was so awful to you. I misread the situation and thought that you were in a relationship with another man."

"Not that it's any of your business but I take it Lance has cleared that notion up for you? You are aware that his lodging is undergoing major repair work and this is a temporary situation?"


Breanne marched up to him and poked him with her finger. "You cannot just reappear and treat me like that Zandro. How the hell did you find me anyway?"

Opting for honesty, "I asked a detective friend of mine to help locate you. I was worried and..."

"You weren't worried when you left me without any explanation and headed back to your home country."

"About that, if you would let me explain..."

"Actually Zandro I won't let you explain. Quite honestly I have no idea what you are doing here but I'll tell you now that you have just wasted a trip. Go back to your empire and leave me alone," Breanne walked into her little bedroom and slammed the door for added emphasis and promptly burst into tears. Damn the man for returning and unsettling her equilibrium.

The following morning Breanne woke with a throbbing headache. Starting the day with Panadol and Neurofen she prepared for work. She was on restaurant rotation at the moment and right now she would have preferred any other station. However, they rotated through roles to keep the staff cross trained and to give them variety. The pay was adequate with the advantage of meals and accommodation provided. She really did not need much money now that she was just supporting herself.

Breanne set the tables up preparing for the morning breakfast crowd. The weather was balmy and hot, another tropical summer's day. The noisy family from yesterday arrived and Breanne decided to make a concerted effort to take her mind off things by occupying the attention of the children.

She took the children over to the buffet and helped them make fruit faces to entertain them. The kids enjoyed getting creative so she set up with the approval of their parents a separate table for them loaded with fruit, yoghurt, toast and pastries. With the children settled she turned to find Zandro waiting at the reception stand.

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