"I know you haven't had time for breakfast. I've called the cafe near the office and they'll have breakfast and tea sent up to you." If it was said with just the tiniest amount of emotion Breanne would have thought the gesture sweet. Knowing that he probably had done it to avoid spending time alone with her made her feel a little crankier.

They were getting close to work and Breanne finally couldn't stand it any longer, bit the bullet and broached the issue of last night. "Zandro, what happened last night? I thought the evening was lovely and then all of a sudden your mood changed and you rushed out."

Zandro scowled at her and she wasn't sure if he was actually going to respond as the seconds ticked on by. She shifted in her seat but kept her eyes focused on him waiting for an answer. "It was a work issue that required my immediate attention and Breanne do not make a habit of asking about my every mood. Sleeping together does not give you that privilege."

"I only asked because I was concerned that I may have inadvertently done something to bother you. I thought maybe I'd stayed too long on the phone..." fishing for more Breanne realised that it sounded lame even to her. She knew she was showing her insecurities and she knew how repellent they would be to him. She hadn't done anything wrong, that she was confident of, because if she had then surely she would know exactly what it was. The subject was dropped, Zandro headed to his meeting and Breanne went in search of her breakfast. As the day wore on Breanne felt the effects of a sleepless night. Her body was feeling sore whilst her eyes struggled to stay open. She kept pushing on through the meetings that she had lined up.

Rona came in search of her just prior to lunch to see if she wanted to go down to the Jollibee. Rona took one look at her and put a hand on her forehead exclaiming that Breanne should immediately go home. "You are very hot. I think you should go home to bed or see a doctor."

"Oh I'm sure I'll be okay. I had a late night last night and I'm feeling just a little tired that's all".

"That might explain why you look half asleep on your feet but it doesn't explain why your forehead feels like it could cook an egg. Now I'll call your driver you need to be in bed."

Breanne felt embarrassed at the unnecessary attention. Once she was lying on the sofa she appreciated that she had been sent home. Breanne must have dozed off and she awoke to a rude start as her stomach was cramping and letting her know all was not well. She managed to make it to the bathroom just in time to throw up her breakfast. She washed her face and brushed her teeth. Her throat was sore and her nose had also started to run. Hopefully it was just the effect of throwing up.

She decided to camp out in the living room. She grabbed a plastic shopping bag just in case she needed to be sick again  and with a box of tissues in hand she propped herself up on the couch and dozed off. Once again Breanne woke up startled this time with the bang of the door and a very angry Zandro looming over her.

"Why didn't you call me and to let me know you were sick?"

Feeling at a distinct disadvantage laying down Breanne stood to her feet. "I didn't want to interrupt you while you were working," she swayed on her feet.

Zandro swore under his breath in his native tongue and pulled her into his embrace to help support her. 'Lay back down before you fall down," he still sounded cranky and Breanne simply complied more due to the fact that she felt out of energy than for any other reason.

Zandro reached for his phone and called a doctor up to the apartment. "I don't need a doctor," she objected.

"You look like death and you are a guest in my home. I will decide what is necessary," Zandro left no room for argument.

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