Breanne was feeling quite content after the meal and would have been happy to sit back and watch DVD's curled up on the lounge. She was sure that Zandro's idea of an entertaining night did not include a modest nightie, a hot Milo and kids cuddled up against them.

Everything about Zandro reeked of wealth and class. She wondered if he ever relaxed and simply lived like an ordinary person. He was certainly used to the finer things in life and whilst it wasn't a crime she wasn't sure that it was a life that she would like on a permanent basis. Oh sure it was fun to be utterly spoilt and treated like a princess but at heart she liked simple pleasures and she also liked to have to work towards her goals. Having everything you wish for within easy reach seemed a rather boring way to live.

Before she knew it Zandro had them chauffeur driven in a stretch limousine to the back of a shop. They were greeted by a sleek woman in a body hugging dress who quickly directed Breanne into what she called the change room. The change room was enormous. It looked like a living room complete with a cream leather lounge settee and a spacious draped off change area.

She was sure her eyes boggled as Zandro sat down looking right at home and like a cat that had eaten the cream. Breanne caught the sales attendant devouring Zandro with her eyes; she certainly looked as though she would like to share that cream and Breanne felt a quick stab of annoyance. Without time to reflect on that unfamiliar emotion Breanne was pushed towards the draped off section to change her outfit.

Breanne felt a little annoyed and slightly embarrassed that her much loved outfit was suddenly not good enough for her date. She would not embarrass him in front of the sales attendant but she would be sure to remember to tell him that this was not the way to make a lady feel special.

"Dahhhrling, undress and put what you are wearing in this bag," she eyed Breanne's dress with distaste. The bag was taken from Breanne and she was soon shown a small selection of designer label dresses that Breanne had only ever seen worn by the rich and famous in the covers of a glossy gossip magazine.

Breanne eyed the dresses sceptically. She had always struggled to find dresses that were sexy and flattering. Her cleavage was certainly not a show stopper and her pear shape often meant that the fall of the dress made her look rather larger than she was as it fell past her hips.

The dresses presented to her would certainly not work of that she was sure. She slipped into the dress that was presented to her feeling self-conscious in front of Miss Beanpole. The dress surprisingly fit extremely well. The sales woman arched her eyebrow in a 'did you expect I was not a professional at what I do?' kind of look.

Breanne stared at her reflection in the mirror. She would never have picked something like this off a rack even if it could ever be found on one. The colour was a deep vivid red and although she loved red it was a colour she never really wore. The material was silky yet not clingy as it wrapped itself around her and not only managed to give her the appearance of a very acceptable cleavage it also accentuated her waist whilst falling politely over her hips. The dress was stunning as would be the price.

The attendant passed her heels and a matching clutch and then pushed her towards a single chair to have her hair done. Carlos introduced himself and after a couple of loud' 'Tsk' sounds and with an eccentric flourish he whipped out a cloak to fasten around her neck and proceeded to loosely pin her hair up. Two more ladies were introduced to her and soon with make-up and nails done she was ready to be re-presented to his highness.

Breanne had snuck a look in the mirror and knew that she was looking unbelievable. She barely recognised her own self. Still walking into the other room towards Alessandro she felt the onslaught of butterflies. He was listening to the attendant who was practically draping herself all over him.

The Perfect Date -  romance / love storyTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang