My Best Friends Brother

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I step out of the shower after a quick rinse, slip into my swimsuit and grab a pool towel before walking out of the bathroom and downstairs to the pool area. I walk out if the sliding screen door and spot Peyton in the grassy lawn throwing a football back and forth with Dillon wearing grey swim shorts. His muscles flexed as he threw the ball, I couldn't help but bite my lip at the sight. He looks at me as I walk up to a pool chair with my towel wrapped around my body. He smirks a little before nodding his head in a 'sup' motion.

This is the swimsuit:

I wave hi before unwrapping the towel from around my body and dropping it on the pool chair

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I wave hi before unwrapping the towel from around my body and dropping it on the pool chair. I look over at him just to see his reaction and noticed his lips part slightly as he looks at my body. He licks his lips. He hasn't even said anything to me yet and I want to jump him. I turn my gaze from Peyton to Dillon and smile when I see him throwing the ball to Peyton who is still not paying attention. After a few seconds, all I see is Peyton double over after the ball hits him in an unpleasant place. 

"Hey, hun!" Dillon waves running up to me and giving me a big hug.

"Hey! Why did you do that." I laugh 

"Because he doesn't have any balls so I assumed it wouldn't hurt," he answers with a smirk as we walk over to Peyton lying on the grass.

"Fuck you, Dillon." Peyton grunts 

"My bad." Dillon fake apologizes helping him up off of the ground. "Okay well my work here is done, I'm gonna go inside and get some lemonade or help mom and dad prep the food or take a shit, I don't know, I got lots of options."

"Okay thank you, Dillon" I laugh and shake my head at him, Peyton playfully mugs Dillon's face as he walks away with a smile.

"Hey." I smile up at Peyton

"Hey, beautiful. How was dance today."  Peyton steps closer and puts his hands on my waist as he looks down at me and smiles.

"It was good, I learned a lot. how was your morning?"

"good, although I couldn't get you out of my mind." I smile and let my head fall before saying,

"Oh yeah?" quietly and wrapping my arms around his torso.

"Yeah." Peyton pulls me closer so that my body pressed against his as he stared down at me. This man's eyes I want to get lost in them, maybe that's what ocean eyes really are. Maybe it's staring so deep into someone's eyes that you want to get lost in them.  

"I thought about you a lot too." I smile still looking at him, he leans in slowly and gives me a soft kiss before we get pulled apart by mama Liz's voice saying,

"Hey lovebirds! I brought lemonade!"

We pull apart and look over towards the patio with small laughs in our throats to see Mama Liz setting two glasses on the table. Peyton grabs my hand and we walk over to the table together. The whole family day was super fun. We played games and got in the pool and joked around it feels so good to be around people who care.

It is currently six o'clock we are all in the hot tub talking, it's starting to get dark which means that it's almost movie time, movie time is when we set up a projector outside and watch a movie in the back yard. Today we're watching twilight but we're fixing the screen so it's hung incorrectly. 

"Okay, it's getting dark, I think we should get started on hanging the screen and setting up." Papa Rob says looking at the sky.

"Sounds good to me." Dillon agrees, everyone starts to get out of the hot tub but before Peyton could leave I grab his hand and lightly pull him back.

"Can I talk to you?"

"Yeah of course." Peyton answers 

"You guys coming?" Mama Liz questions looking back at us.

"We'll catch up," I answered giving her a look implying my intentions.

"Okay, Don't do anything I wouldn't do." She simply says before walking off.

I smile slightly before turning back towards Peyton, my stomach felt like it was turning into a butterfly forest as I looked at him. Dear Lord give me strength, I sit down on the hot tub bench and he follows after, sitting next to me.

"You okay?" He asks

"Just nervous..." I trail off.


"Because I've never done this before," I admit looking at him.

"Done what?"

"Liked someone this much... I like you so much Peyton Meyer and I don't know what to do about it, everyone is telling me to go for it and I really want to but-"

"But what?" he grabs my hand and intertwines our fingers.

"I don't want to mess this up. And I don't want to get hurt-"

"Y/n I would never hurt you first of all-"

"You can't promise that Peyton."

"Maybe your right, but if love didn't hurt everyone would do it. A relationship is about two people feeling a connection for each other, and being there even when it's hard. There is no way you on your own could mess this up. I myself am terrified of this whole thing because I've never felt this way about anyone. I've never loved anybody this much aside from my family, but I'm willing to risk being hurt just to call you mine. It already hurts knowing that you could change your mind right now, but that doesn't mean that I don't  I love you and that I won't keep chasing your heart until you realize there's something here and I would do anything to prove it and to finally be with you."

"How about a date?"

"A date?"

"Yeah, A date... I really like you Peyton and I want to be with you, but I don't want to rush this."

"Where do you wanna go, babygirl?" Peyton questions kissing the hand intertwined with his.

"Suprise me." I smile and bite my bottom lip at his new nickname for me.

"Okay, beautiful." he smiles kissing my forehead

"We should go to help them set up."

"Yeah." After getting out of the hot tub Peyton wraps my towel around my body before we both walk to our homemade drive-in.

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