My Brothers Bestfriend

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(Same story as previous one just different Points Of Views)

Peyton's POV 

Y/n comes here every day after school due to her parents being total dicks and treating her like shit. They have no reason to not trust her, she does everything she's supposed to do and more. I don't understand how you could ignore such a beautiful creature. Not that I'm complaining though, It just gives me more time to hang out with her. A lot of the time we get to spend hours alone together due to my brother and parent's schedule. my parents don't get home till 5 my brother gets out of school at 2:25 but has basketball practice every day except for Thursdays which happens to be today, and Y/n gets out of school at 1:45. 

Y/n doesn't do extracurriculars she wants to do gymnastics and dance, contemporary to be exact, but her parents won't let her. It's a crime really cause Y/n can dance her ass off and she's gorgeous and nice, altogether she's captain material.

 Someone knocked at the front door taking me out of my thoughts, knowing it was Y/n I got up from the couch and opened the door with a smirk. She looks so good today, she has on ripped white washed jeans a black tube top and red shoes simple, but on her, gorgeous.

"Hey, Ass bandit." I tease loving the way she comes back at me with a sassy tone.

"Haha, very funny shit face." My heartbeat out of my chest when she pushed past me. I call her ass bandit cause she be double cheeked upon a Thursday afternoon hella ass and the sun still be up. crazy. anyways.  her tiny fingers grazing against my forearm giving me the slightest bit of the tingling sensation I get every time our skin touches. Her winter candy apple perfume danced with the cocoa butter that lingered on her skin right up to my nose making me fall in a trance as I watched her walk to the couch right next to the spot I was sitting in. I closed the door and locked it before making my way over to that spot on the couch. She takes her books out of her book bag and starts on her work.

"Is there a reason you're all up in my personal space." Her voice filled my ears with the same sassy tone she came in with. she scooted away a little but I closed the space between us once again by scooting over our legs only a few inches apart.

"Don't act like you don't want to be close to me." 

I wink and wrap my arm around the back of the couch to keep her close, Scooting closer so now my leg touched hers and my fingertips touch the exposed skin on her shoulder giving me that electrifying sensation I always get. Touching her is the best high I've ever experienced.

"How was school ass bandit?" I question squeezing her closer when I do this her body presses against the side of mine she doesn't move afterward so her body just leans against mine.

"Fine." she doesn't look at me she just continues to read her book.

"What you reading?" I ask looking at the cover 

"The New Jim Crow."

"Yeah? How'd your test go?" 

"You remembered that?" she asked softly placing her book on her lap and looking up at me with her innocent eyes. I love it when she looks at me like this. I wanted to say, I remember everything you tell me because I'm in love with you and I have been for a year now but I can't be with you because you're my brother's best fucking friend.  But I decided against it seeing as how that would ruin everything and she would never talk to me again. So instead I answered with,

"Of course,  you were stressing so hard about that."

"I got a B." She smiled up at me and at that moment I almost risked it all and pinned her against this couch. but instead, I just smiled  back and said,

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