My Brothers Best Friend

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(Peyton's P.O.V,) 

Yesterday we kissed and it felt amazing, I can't stop thinking about it, the moment keeps replaying over and over in my head as I eat breakfast with Mom Dad and Dillon. My mom keeps looking up at me and smiling amused at my current schoolboy state but I can't be bothered to comment on it. The conversation going around the table seems interesting but I'm so lost in my head that I don't hear a word of it.

The only thing I hate is that I can't see her until later today, she's supposed to come over on Saturdays but ever since my mom found out that Y/n wants to be a Choreographer and not a lawyer shes snuck her to a dance classes. Saturday's are conciderd outside family days we get in the pool or play tag football or whatever we choose to do, but I've been looking at my phone all day waiting for her to text I know she's in class but I can't help but wonder if she's thinking of me too.

"Yooooo!!! Snap out of it." Dillon snaps his fingers in front of my face taking me out if my head. "I've been stealing food off of your plate this whole time and you haven't noticed, Just text her Jesuuus Christ is my lord and savior," Dillon added altering the Jesus part after seeing my mom give him a look.

"She's at practice, she won't answer."

"Dancers have breaks."

"Speaking of." my mom says looking at her phone.

"Hey, hun what's up?" my mom questions answering the video call

"Hey, I have something important to ask you." Y/n's angelic voice rings through my ears from my mother's shitty speakerphone.


"So coach Grason told me about this school called SUNY Purchase college, and it has an amazing dance program-"

"She's really talented I think she would thrive at a college like SUNY, it has one of the best dance programs in the country and I know some of the teachers there I can recommend her. I think this school is a great opportunity for her to become a great choreographer." Her coach explains to my mom.

"So I wanted to ask you if you'd help me apply when I get back?" 

"Yeah I'll help you apply, but what happens if you get in? Your parents are going to do anything they can to keep you from going there, you know that."

"I know, but I can't do everything they want me to do for the rest of my life. they're already disappointed in me so what do I have to lose, everything if I don't at least try." I love how passionate she is about what she wants it makes me wonder how you could ever be disappointed in her. But this whole conversation has me thinking, what happens when I leave for college? how hard is a long-distance relationship? 

"Okay. I'll help you apply."

"Yesss! Thank you, Mama Liz! I love you soo much!"

"Hahaha Love you too hun." Mom smiled seeing her smiling face. My heart fluttered as she jumped around in excitement everything about her is so wonderful. 

"Okay, I'll see you at 2 thank you!"

"No problem sweetheart."

Y/N Pov

DANX Studio is my away place, Coach Grayson is one of my favorite people on earth and the best mentor anyone could ask for, he's like a big brother.  There are eight levels of Dance at DANX, Level 1: Baby Bee Bop, Level 2: Tiny Tots, Level 3: Pre-Dance, Level 4: Kinder-Dance, Level 5: Beginner, Level 6: Intermediate, Level 7: Advanced, and Level 8: Adult. I'm a level 7 dancer so I have practice from 9:00 am- 11:00 am Then after Coach Grey and I Hold classes for level 4 & 5 Dancers from 12:00 pm- 2:00 pm. 

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