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Aeirus pov


I walk out of my best friend Arnies house hand and hand with Payton. This is our weekly ritual me and Payton fight I go over Arnies house Payton picks me up the rest of the night me and Payton cuddle and the next week it happens all over again. This fight was big though but we made up so its all good.

"Bye Arnie." I say hugging him.

"Bye I'll see you next week." Arnies says glaring at Payton.

They have never liked each other they never will either.

End of flashback

I cuddle up on the couch with a blanket watching re-runs. Of the fresh prince of bel-air, and waiting for my baby Payton to get home. All I want is for him to cuddle with me we've been fighting alot and I just want to make up for it by spending some quality time with him. That's probably why we are fighting, we're never together.

Payton walks through the door he's doesn't look so happy though.

"Payton come cuddle with me."

Payton looks at me with a blank expression on his face then rolls his eyes before saying.


"Okay then."

That kind of hurt my feelings I really wanted to cuddle with him.

"Why are you always so Goddamn clingy."

"I'm not." I say furrowing my eyebrows. "Why are you always so Goddamn rude, and why do you never want to spend time with me."

"I'm not mean and I never want to be around you cause your annoying."

"Then why are you with me!"

"That was a mistake I wish I never made!"

"What is wrong with you why are you being such an asshole?"

This happens all the time why I don't know I guess our love flame has just blown out.

"Why are you such a crazy bitch?!"

That was the last straw. I'm out straight up.

"Ok well this "crazy bitch" is out. You don't have to see me anymore." I stated calmly. Grabbing my jacket and heading towards the door.

"Yeah? Were the fuck are you going to go you retard?" he asked.

I cringed then turned around and said something that really pissed him off.

"Last time I checked I have a really nice, really sweet, and really hot best friend named Arnie who can treat me way better than you ever could. So if you please excuse me I'll be on my way to his house." with that I walked out and drove to Arnies house.

Arnies house

I walked up to Arnie's door and knock. It took him about a minuet to open the door.

"Jeeze Arnie could you be any slower." I smiled

"AEIRUS!!" he shouted picking me up and caring me into his house he didn't put me down until we reached his couch and when we reach his couch he sat me on his lap. The best part about it is that he didn't. Have a shirt on. And let me tell you about this boys body. DAMN. Anyways.

"What did he do this time?" Arnie asked

"I don't want to talk about it. I just want to spend time with you."I say poking his nose.

"Ok well you know were your clothes and room is so go get washed up cause I see those tear stains while I cook dinner how bout dat." he says


He kisses my cheek while I get off his lap as I walk away Arnie sends a slap to my ass.


"Hey I'm not obligated to keep my hands off of you, you and Payton are on a break which means I can try my absolute hardest to get you with me before he comes and tries to swoop you up again." Arnie explains.

"Whatever." I laugh.

"You laugh but one day you'll be my wife and we'll have children and I'll treat you right, better than that asshole Payton ever could.... And when you realise that I'm the man you want to be with. I'll be here." he explained while walking towards me. At the end of his sentence he cuffed my cheek and kissed my lips softly. Damn why do i have to have such a sexy bestfriend. He pulled away then winked before walking off to the kitchen. I ran up stairs to my spare room. That's how much me and Payton fight I have tons of clothes here from when we fight. Why don't I just be with Arnie I mean he makes me happy and we dont fight every time he walks in the door. Arnie shows me love. Arnie actually wants to be with me.

My phone dinged as I threw myself on the bed.

Payton: Hey

Me: what do you want

Payton: Come back your being ridiculous.

Me: now who sound klingy it's only been 30 minutes Payton. I did not waist time money and gas to come to my beastie's house just to prove a point. Payton we're done. Forever. I can't do this fighting and making up thing. And honestly everytime I walk out of Arnies door I can tell I'm killing him more and more. But the thing is we both know I'll be right back here next week and you'll be asking me to come back home. Payton I'm tired of this fighting we're done.... It's over.aren't you tired Payton.

After I sent that text he tried to call me but I didn't answer. Instead I ran to find Arnie

"Arnie! Arnie!"


It sounded like he was in the kitchen. I ran to the kitchen, and there he was shirtless and cooking. I walked behind him and grabbed his forearm he turned around and I quickly crashed my lips against his. He dropped what ever he was holding on the ground and instantly put his hands on my hips picking me up like I weighed nothing. Then other things happened.

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