"Hello cutie" I cooed, petting the dog as it realised that it wasn't getting anywhere. I stroked the back of his ears and his cheek, the dog leaning happily into my hand. I took one side of my earpiece off, oddly not seeing the owner anywhere nearby.

"You're adorable" I crooned, continuing to pet it until it ended up flopping onto it's back, letting me rub it's belly. I laughed as the dog's leg twitched happily as I rubbed his ribs, his tongue lolling out of his mouth as he panted.

I paused and looked around the area but still saw no one, the dog taking that opportunity to flip back upright and jump on me. I bent down and lifted him into my arms instead, laughing as he licked my face when I heard someone calling out.

"Co! Ah... that's my dog. Thank you" I heard a guy say and looked up. He was dressed in an oversized hoodie paired with sweatpants, his nose and lips covered by a black mask.

"He's a really cute dog" I smiled, handing the dog to his arms.

"Erm. Are you sure this is your dog?" I asked, frowning slightly at the way the dog was fidgeting in his arms and trying to hop back onto the ground.

"Yes... he is just really hyper" he answered, his focus still on struggling to contain the dog in his arms.

"Let me?" I asked, pointing at the dog.

"Erm. Yeah" he mumbled, letting me adjust the dog in his arms. I took a step forward and couldn't help my laughter as the dog licked my face, craning my neck to turn my face away from his slobber.

I shifted the dog so that he was comfortable, adjusting the guy's arms so that he held the dog firmly. I took a step back when I was done, realising that my sweaty self must stink.

"Here" I gestured, using both my hands to pass the leash back to him before wiping my cheeks.

"Erm. Thank you. Again" he mumbled, his barely visible eyes locking onto mine from underneath his hood.

"It's okay" I brushed off, giving him a slight bow and smile. I should get home... my knees throbbed slightly and I ignored them, wanting to just get home and shower.

"Bye" I added before turning away and plugging my earpiece back in. I continued my run back to the apartment, my knees feeling better than I thought. I wonder if I should get a dog here...


My knees scabbed over the weekend, the bruises making them look worse than it felt. I felt too lazy to get up and out of the apartment despite that and laid sprawled out on the sofa, deciding to just order food in and relax as I was starting work the next day.

I lazed around my apartment and ate while watching my favourite shows, watching old series and movies because I could.

I groped blindly for my phone, answering it without looking as my eyes glued to the movie playing on my screen.

"I still can't believe you're so far away. I'm coming over in 3 months for sure" my best friend, Mark grumbled over the phone.

"Well hello to you too. Yes, I've unpacked everything and have settled in, the weather is wonderful here too" I replied before cracking up, knowing how hard he would be rolling his eyes.

"Ugh. I want to be there already. Everything sucks here now" he groaned, the thump in the background letting me know he probably just flopped himself onto his bed.

"Aww. You miss me" I laughed, earning a snort from him.

"Oh buzz off. Have you met any celebrities yet?" he asked, his tone suddenly light.

The Way - JinsonOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora