I'd Fall Anywhere With You, I'm By Your Side

Start from the beginning

When I got back home there was still no sign of Los Pierce the Veils. After four trips in and out of the house I finally got all of the bags inside, the kitchen counters and table littered with grocery bags. I spent a good chunk of time putting everything away, my slight OCD coming in handy when it came to getting everything organized. By the time I was done you would never guess this was a bachelor pad that was home to four mexicans, well by looking at the kitchen anyway. The fridge was packed to the brim; there almost wasn't any room left in there at all. It was no longer just beer that occupied the fridge, but actual food, food that wasn;t expired and old, food that could be used to make actual meals.

The cabinets were stocked as well. Now the next person who was just looking for a snack wouldn't be left hungry and disappointed! I put in my headphones and decided to clean the kitchen while I was at it. Lord knows it needed it, and I was looking to pass a little time before I started cooking. I hoped the guys would be home in time or I would be eating all alone. Oh well, if that's the case more for me then!

I did the dishes, scrubbed the counters, swept and mopped the floor before calling it good and deciding to start on dinner. I danced around the kitchen as I listened to Fall Out Boy, mouthing silently along with the words as I searched for cooking utensils. Thankfully, and surprisingly, I found everything I needed. I had decided to make chicken fettucini with asparagus, a salad on the side, homemade garlic bread, and german chocolate cake for dessert.

I had always loved to cook ever since I could remember. Before my mom died I always begged to help her in the kitchen, and after she passed, when it was just my dad and I, I taught myself all I could. My dad was a great cook don't get me wrong, but I always wanted to help. After I moved to LA I didn't cook much mainly because I lived alone and it was a lot of effort to cook an extravagent meal for one.

I put the chicken breasts in the oven; they would take the longest to cook after all. I put a skillet on the stove and began to make my homemade alfredo sauce, an old recipe of my moms that was always a big hit. Just as I began to add the egg noodles to the pan I saw the front door open from where I was standing as the boys practically fell through the door. I pulled my headphones out and continued with what I was doing. "I smell food!" Jaime shouted loudly as he took off in a dead sprint towards the kitchen, skidding to a stop when he saw me. I turned around and smiled at him.

"I didn't know we had any food in this house to make a meal out of," Mike said as he made his way into the kitchen a little more calmly than Jaime had.

"It's called a grocery store, Michael. It's quite a concept," I retorted sarcastically. He smirked at me, silently mocking me as he always did. Jaime pulled open the fridge and I thought he was going to have a heart attack.

"We have food! Oh my god so much food!!" He hollered as he gazed in the fridge, moving to the cabinets and shrieking with excitement once again. He tried to grab a box of cookies but I yanked it out of his hands and smacked his arm.

"Seriously? I'm cooking dinner, it'll be ready in like 20 minutes. I think you can wait," I said as I put the cookies back in the cabinet. He pouted at me, but perked up as he eyed the food I was cooking.

"What are we having, Lyla?" Jaime asked as he peered over my shoulder as I mixed the noodles together with the sauce.

"Chicken Alfredo with asparagus, with the chicken on the side so Turtle can have some," I replied, Tony shooting me a thankful smile. Mike, Tony, and Jaime each grabbed a beer from the fridge and took off excitedly towards the living room, chattering about Call of Duty the entire way. Vic hung behind, leaning against the counter as he eyed me. "What?" I asked, directing my attention momentarily towards him.

"You didn't have to do all this, Ly," he said finally. I turned around and pulled the chicken out of the oven.

"Oh yes I did. I was starving and there was not a single thing to eat in this entire house," I responed with a smirk. As the chicken cooled I began to cut up the asparagus, adding it to the skillet with the noodles and sauce, tossing it all together.

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