"Look, I just wanna say I'm sorry about last night" he suddenly said, making you snap out of your concentration "I shouldn't come inside, and" he shut up and then looked in your eyes "I shouldn't touch your face either"

You could see on his eyes he was sorry, he almost had puppy eyes. You took a deep breath.

"It's okay Adam, I shouldn't invite you to my room either. It was unprofessional of me to do that" you said, with a small grin.

"I just don't wanna make things awkward between us," he said.

"I know, me neither" you responded. You kept putting the makeup on, finishing his bruises to move along to paint the scar. "I just have one question though," you said looking at him.

"Shoot," he said.

"Why did you agree to come in? And why did you touched my face like that?" You couldn't believe yourself as you heard what you were saying. You didn't keep your insecurities and doubts inside you, if something was bothering you or making you feel confused, you just say it. Sometimes you wish you didn't, but you couldn't help yourself.

Adam looked at you, with confusion on his face "I d-don't truly know" he said running his hand on his hair. "I wasn't sure of what I was doing, something pushed me to do it"

"I'm sorry, I really am. I promise it won't happen again, I don't wanna make you feel uncomfortable" he continued. Something about the idea of him not touching you ever again made you sad.

"It's alright Adam, we will leave this behind," you said, getting back to work.

"Good, thank you," he said smiling "why don't you tell me a bit more about you?" He asked.

"Well, as I told you I live in New York with my best friend. My parents are still married and live in Seattle, although I grew up in New York" you started talking, glad that he had to change the subject. "I went to beauty school and studied there for three years after high school, and formed myself with a lot of great artists" you started drawing his scar, as he listened to you.

"And then you know, I've just been living life. Having small works, and some of the bigger, like for example Fashion Week. And then I had this opportunity and luckily I got in" you said smiling, feeling proud of yourself.

"That's impressive," he said. "You are a very interesting person, I look forward to listening to more stories about your job"

Then the two of you stayed quiet, listening to music. This time, when Adam took off his sweater and his T-shirt, you looked away and behave normally. Although you couldn't help but blush. You finished drawing his scar down to his chest, faster this time as you already knew what to do. You were a quick learner, so this time you didn't look at the image you got of it.

Adam looked every move you made, as he was fascinated about how good you were at your job. You looked like a painter, painting her masterpiece. Focused, making sure that every detail was perfect and looking proud at your work.

"Done," you said, smiling at him. He was looking at himself, impressed by your work. Someone knocked on the door, it must have been Daisy, as she was the next on your itinerary. Adam stood up to get the door at the same time you took a step to do the same. You two crashed into each other's body.

"I'm s-sorry," you said nervously, as you look up at him. Your chest was pressed against his.

"That's ok," he said, looking into your eyes and not moving. You were so close that you could feel his breath on your face. You looked down, blushing, as he moves to one side to let you pass. You opened the door and saw Daisy standing there.

"Come in!" You smiled at her.

"I'm sorry I'm a bit early, I was getting bored already" she laughed, entering the motorhome.

"That's ok, I was already finishing Adam's makeup," you said, going back to him.

"Morning Adam," she said smiling at him and sitting on the chair next to him.

You finished the last touches on Adam's makeup as the two of them talked about the scene they were about to shoot. You were glad Daisy was there, you could distract yourself from the episode you and Adam just had.

Daisy was now sitting on Adam's chair and he sat on the table, next to all your make up. They were rehearsing their lines as they had some time before going into the set. You just limited yourself to do your work and let them rehearse. Adam left and you stayed alone with Daisy.

"He's such a great actor," she said looking at you through the mirror.

"Yeah he is, it's amazing" you responded. You tried not to sound weird saying that. You and Daisy talk for a little bit as you finished her makeup. Soon she left, so you were all by yourself.

Sitting there, checking your phone as you waited for the rest of the actors to come, you found yourself thinking about Adam. Again.

You couldn't get him out of your mind, you were so into him. Every time he was near you, you couldn't behave yourself. You flushed, you acted weird, you felt your skin burn. You just wanted to grab his face and kiss him. That thought was so wrong, you can't believe you were thinking that about a married man.

Although you think Adam feels the same, at least part of it. Otherwise, why would he behave like that last night? Why would he stare so much at you? Why would he be interested in you and your life? You were just some ordinary girl and he was a married world-famous actor. Married. You can't forget that word, you need to understand that nothing can happen between you two.

If only your body understood that...

Forbidden Lust - Adam Driver Where stories live. Discover now