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Luke's P.O.V.

The familiar screams rung throughout my ears, making them ring. Boys lined the front row in the stands, painted in green. Girls had on their green bows and such, others just wearing their school shirts. Some came in regular clothing, polos, sweaters, whatever.

Michael and I warmed up together today. The usual: practicing our aim, dribbling to each other, practicing our stops. I hated warming up, especially to just stand the entire game.

Ryan wasn't at the school anymore. No one really knows what happened to him. His parents just withdrew him and that was it. So, we were using our back up player for this game.

We got into our usual positions then the game went on as usual. The ball was dropped, dribbled, scored, hugs. And I stood there. As if I didn't know what to do.

I got to do a few things, block the goal, throw it back in; other than that I stood with the freshies awkwardly.

We won again. 12-10, so we did our group hug and ran back into the locker room screaming. At least the rest of the team did. I drug back, the nerves taking over. I had to do this, for me. For Ashton. I walked into the foul smelling room, dragging my feet with every step. I got changed into my regular clothing, looking at Michael anxiously.

He smiles at me, already knowing what's happening, what I'm about to do. I almost laugh at myself, to be honest. This wasn't that big. If they don't accept it, they don't accept it. I accepted me, and I just assured myself that's all that matters.

So, I jump up on one of the wooden benches, my heart rate speeding up. "Hi, can I get everyone's attention really quick?" I call, causing an eery silence to fall over the room. My heartbeat became painful, pounding against my chest, as if screaming and screaming to get out.

"Uh, yeah, hey," I say, rubbing the back of my neck. "This is going to change some things, I know that. Some of you guys aren't going to like what I'm about to say, and some of you might be okay with it. So, here I go."

I pause, apparently for effect, before I spit it out, "I'm gay."

Silence. Complete silence.

"This may be a complete shock to some of you, so I should probably explain," I say, shrugging. "You all know I was a huge believer in all of the timer stuff, y'know? I was never the kind to be like, 'What if I'm different? What if I wasn't like everyone else?' No, I always thought I was going to get paired up with someone lovely.

"So, a week before my timer goes of," I hesitate. "Ashton moves to town." That caused some murmurs, the silence wavering ever so slightly, but Michael's smile edged me on. "He calmed me down about everything, along with Michael and Calum; even when my stupid fuckin' timer broke they were by my side. Ashton especially. He brought me to London for our birthdays, and I asked him out. Nothing more, nothing less."

I glance around the room, I almost sigh in relief when I saw no one was looking at me in disgust. Then, to no surprise, Dan left. Kyle was close behind. I was scared everyone else was going to leave too. I was scared they were going to hate me, treat me like garbage. Then, ever so quietly, I heard Carter whisper, "That's okay. You like guys. That's okay."

Michael clapped, "Yeah! It's fine!"

I cried.

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