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Luke's P.O.V.
Ashton got back from London on Thursday. He looked tired when I went to see them, like he hasn't slept in days. He greeted me with a peck on the cheek.
My mum had made them a casserole thing, which Ashton put on the kitchen counter, thanking me with a gentle peck on the lips. I tried to let it linger, but he pulled away, making me pout.
He pulled me by the hand to his room, blabbing about how poorly the hospital is doing with his grandmother. I decided not to comment, I didn't want him upset.
"I don't understand," he sighs, playing with my hair once we were sat on his bed. "Why do bad things always happen to good people?" He mumbles, sighing.
"Let's not talk about this," I mumble, standing up. "We can talk about anything, just not that. You just got back from London to see her, stay confident that she'll make it."
He didn't talk after that.
By the time he had to go to work, he'd taught me how to do the 'basic' drumming patterns, which I'd probably forget by tomorrow, but I was happy he agreed to teach me. Another instrument down.
When he had to go, I offered to drive him, or to ride the bus with him. Something. I didn't want him to go. He laughed, saying we could take the bus as we walk down the stairs; my boots were making strange sounds on the stairs actually. Clink clink. I nod, after I let my stupidity wash away. He took my hand in his and led me out the house. He didn't talk to his dad at all the entire time I was over.
I offered to buy us lunch, which he declined. He claimed he had a large dinner and was still not hungry. I then caught on to his lies. No, no, no.
To try and prove myself wrong on this, I mumbled, "What'd you have?" as we walked on, taking seats right under the AC compartment.
He had to think about it, before replying Chinese food. He hated Chinese food. That's the shittiest lie he's ever told. I almost cried, but I didn't allow myself to. I didn't say another word to him the entire drive. I think he knew why, too.
I kissed him on the cheek as a goodbye once we got to the store. He begged me not to leave.
I didn't want to, he knew that, but there was a team meeting at the old Mexican restaurant down the street. I'd be kicked off the team if I didn't go.
We talked for a few more minutes before I told him bye with a kiss once more. I jogged down the street before walking into the restaurant, greeting the hostess with a nod before asking him if the team was here yet.
He led me to a table where nine out of twelve of the team were sat. Andrew forced a smile at me, motioning towards Michael, who's eyes were scanning the menu. I sat in between Michael and Carter. He sent me a scoff. I return the favour with a snicker.
Soon enough, Kyle, Rickie, and the the kid who never really talked were piling in. The coach wasn't here yet, so they were commenting on every girl's ass that walked by. Michael laughed at me when I gave him one of those oh-fuck-what-have-I-got-myself-into looks.
Then I remember Michael spent two years being friends with these kids before Calum and I let him in. I almost felt bad. Two years with dicks had to suck. Ha, blowjob pun.
We ordered our food once the coach got there, then he called us all silent. He told us when our first game was, and how things were gonna go down. This was probably being said because of me and the niners (grade 9s, whatever). After he was done, he explained to us we'd be leaving school 20 minutes early Monday to get to the school and get ready. It all seemed pointless, to me.
He stopped talking once our food got here, and they stuffed their face with tacos or burritos or whatever the hell these shitheads got. I settled with a regular soft shell taco.
Michael and I talked a little about Ashton. I told him about my assumption with his eating habits. He agreed with me, saying he has been acting a little weird. What are we going to do with him?
We got our checks, and I thanked God it wasn't that much. Mum would've killed me. After I payed, Michael and I decided to walk around town after getting some coffee.
We didn't speak about Ashton again. I know Michael cared, but I didn't feel like having that as an ongoing topic. 5 o'clock was racing up, so Michael and I went to the shop to get Ashton. He smiled once he saw us, greeting me with a kiss and Michael with a hug.
He waved bye to his coworker before we made our way out of the store. Michael and I still had our coffees, and it was making my hand sweat. It felt gross.
We sat around by the dog park for a while, getting greeted by golden retrievers or pit bulls every five minutes. Ashton probably loved half of them more than he loved me.

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