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Michael was shitfaced, obviously. He was lying on my couch, begging me for more aspirin even though he'd already taken 3. We had decided to skip our lessons until lunch, then show up so we could still go to practice.

Ashton was sat on the recliner, clicking through channels trying to refind an awful Christmas film he loved. I begged my mom to help me with Michael, which she scoffed at, saying again that drinking at our age is bad for our health. Nonetheless, she took him into the kitchen to make him a drink that helps Jack.

I playfully sat on Ashton's lap, making him grunt in surprise. He giggled after that, pressing his dry lips to mine. His hands moved to the nape of my neck, pulling me closer. I will never get used to this feeling.

"Get your tongues out of each other's throats," Michael grumbles, plopping down on the couch. I laughed, pulling away slightly and resting my forehead to Ashton's. He sent me a fond, loving smile; I instantly returned the favour.

I shifted on his lap slightly, making him stir under me. I lay my head on his shoulder, giving him secret kisses or nips to his neck as his fingers fiddled with my jersey I still had on from last night.

I let them borrow clothes and brush their teeth with some spare toothbrushes we had. Ashton was wearing one of my flannels and some black skinny jeans, while Michael just threw on some skinny jeans and my Nirvana shirt.

I put on an old All Time Low shirt with my skinny jeans almost painted on my legs. I pulled on my Vans and lazily did my hair. Ashton and I were ready before Michael. So we just laid around, mumbling sweet nothings as if he wasn't stood 5 feet away from us in the mirror.

"I've decided," I say after a few minutes, making Michael raise his eyebrows at me and Ashton to look up at me. "I'm going to come out to the team today," I say, trying to sound the least bit of confident. "During practice."

Michael had dropped the hairbrush and was staring at me. "Luke," he said, "I know Kyle's homophobic. I think Dan is; not at the beginning of the season." He sighed at me, sitting on the bed.

"I don't care," I snickered. "I hate not being able to talk about Ashton without them staring at me like I'm insane. I mean, I'll come out to the school, I guess," I shrugged carelessly, even though Ashton was completely silent in fear.

"Do what you think is right," is all Michael said, going back to his teeth check. I nodded, smiling at him. "I'm not scared," I told him, leaning up on the bed. Ashton's hand clung to mine, so I couldn't stand.
"You shouldn't be," Michael said.
"I'm not," I replied.
"You're not," Ashton joins in.

We left soon after that, waving my mum a goodbye, Michael thanking her again for her help. We got in my car and I drove us to school.

We walked in as the seniors were filling the hallways, all going to the lunchroom. We joined in the crowd, migrating to the cafeteria.

I was still full from breakfast, so I decided not to eat. Ashton didn't either. I don't think he realises I've noticed. We sat at our usual table once we walked it. I wasn't excepting Carter to sit right in front of us.

"Hey," he smiles.


Michael was late to practice, so he was currently doing laps around the field as we all practiced dribbling. Carter and I chatted a bit as we practiced making goals. Once Michael finally joined us, his red hair had hair dye running out of it, most likely from him sweating. He was panting, but took a ball nonetheless and started working.

I complimented him on his determination before practicing a side-kick into the goal, not that I'll ever use it. I roll my eyes at the thought.

Next was just, well, running. We run 5 laps, rest, run 5 more, rest, then go to the locker room to get cleaned up. Michael ran by my side today as I randomly talked about things. Carter playfully stepped on my shoes every once in a while, before speeding up so he can pass me. I just laughed and secretly flipped him off.

We ran to the locker room in a complete mess. I was covered in mud since I fell a few times, and drenched in sweat just as everyone else.

I walked to the shower, questioning my decision about Ashton.

Maybe at the game.


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