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ashton's p.o.v.

The nurses let me sleep in today, so when I woke up, I was curled in up with my knees to my chest. I was more tired than usual, even though it was already lunchtime. I saw on the table next to me that the nurse had left my pills and a water bottle for me to take.

I sat up, groggily glancing around the bare room before swallowing my pills with the (now) warm water. I sighed, pushing myself out of the bed before walking over to my bag of clothes that my father had brought.

Christmas was tomorrow, and I was going to be here for it, as my doctor decided. We didn't know if we were going to celebrate it here, since we had few varieties of religions. Nonetheless, Luke, Michael, Calum and of course my father were going to visit.

I changed into fresh clothes before walking out of the room, before into the corridor. I smiled at a few people, before rushing into the restroom. I decided to shower, judging I haven't done that in 2 days. So, I locked the door and started to peel off my clothes.

After my shower, I take a good 5 minutes drying my hair with one of the towels as best as I could and got redressed. I looked at myself in the mirror and sighed. I splashed water on my face, before gripping my damp hair.

Stop, Ashton. It's okay. You're okay. You're okay now.

I walked into the cafeteria, deciding I wasn't hungry before squeezing in next to Ryder. "Look who's ass finally decided to get out of bed," Ro snickered before grinning at me.

"You get a shower?" Lewis asks, pointing to my damp hair. I nod in response, rubbing my face. Blue Streaks was talking to Ryan about something I couldn't hear, so I started talking to Ryder.

"Luke came earlier, told me to tell you to except him at like 6 for your gift," he tells me as we stood to leave. I nod, standing up. "He also told me to tell you Niall Horan says hi."

I laugh at that. I forgot he came to town to see Calum. I was so happy Luke got to meet him, even though, deep inside, jealousy was there.


We were sat in the same room I had gotten high in days before, but I decided not to do anything today. So, I was sat awkwardly while the fumes were settled in the air. The speakers squeaked above us, making a few people groan out in pain at the sudden sound.

"Ashton Irwin, you have a visitor waiting in your room to speak with you."

I sigh, pushing myself up, coughing when I suck in too much smoke at one time. It was 3 in the afternoon, so it couldn't be Luke. I didn't know who it could be.

I walk down the hallways, passing the abandoned cafeteria and learning centre, before pushing the door to my room open. I looked up from the ground to see who it was, excepting Michael, Calum or my father, I almost ran away from who it was.

"What the hell are you doing here, Carter?" I snort, crossing my arms across my chest. His broad frame jumps, turning around to look at me. He had a sympathetic look in his eyes, and that made me want to punch him even more. Luke wasn't here, so I didn't have to pretend I like him.

"Listen, Ashton," he tries to start, but I was quick to interrupt him.

"No, you listen. If you're here to make fun of me, just go because I'm finally happy and-"

"Shut the fuck up, Irwin. I'm not that heartless. I'm here to apologise to being a complete ass to you. I didn't realise you and Luke were actually dating. I'm sorry," he says, mirroring my crossed arms.

"Why are you apologising?" I ask, not moving as he walks closer to me. He shrugs, dropping his arms to his sides before smiling at me.

"It just feels needed after Luke said everything. I feel awful," he says, that smile not leaving his face. "I'm not excepting you to forgive me, because you don't need to, but at least listen to me."

"I am listening," I spat, rolling my eyes. "You just don't seem like the kind of person to apologise to someone about making fun of them." Carter shrugs in response to that, not even speaking.

"Look," I mumble. "I forgive you, but we aren't friends. This isn't some movie where we become best mates for life or any shit. I don't like you, I won't like you."

"Thank you," he says.

I nod, excepting him to leave now. He didn't he stood there, looking at me. I shift on my feet, growing uncomfortable. He sighs, "can I tell you something? Personal?"

I shrug at him, looking anywhere but in his eyes. He finally turned from me, pacing the room. He groaned, mumbling something under his breath I couldn't understand. "Speak up a little. I don't bite. I won't laugh," I assure him awkwardly. I didn't like this.

He grips his black hair, before looking at me. "I'm bisexual," he spats, almost screaming at himself.

"What? How do you know?" I press. He scoffs at me before mumbling, "You don't wanna know that part, mate."

I scoff, "Don't call me mate, princess. Who?"

He grins at me, his next words making me cringe while jealousy builds in my stomach rapidly.

"I like Luke," he smirks.


Luke came in 3 hours after Carter left, at 6:30. I was awkward, not wanting to tell him what Carter told me. I unwrapped the gift he got for me, which had multiple things in it.

The first thing I pulled out was One Direction's FORD record. He told me to check the disk, which was signed by Niall. I fisted pumped and pecked his lips.

Another thing was a jersey, matching his. How stereotypical. I finally got to wear something to support him now, though. I could finally say I was dating one of the footie players.

I bit my lip in realisation, looking at Luke.

We were out now. We could kiss at school, hold hands in the hallway, flirt in front of other people, because the school knew.

They knew about us.

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