15. Makeovers

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Alex's POV

"C'mon, Alex!" Peggy yelled, grabbing Alex by the arm and pulling him inside her house. He smiled amusedly at his friend as he was pulled into her room to get ready for 'Date Day'.

On the floor sat a bunch of different tools, brushes, and powders. Peggy took a seat next to them and patted the space in front of her, signaling for Alex to join her.

Where's John? he asked, taking a seat while eyeing the odd tools suspiciously.

"He's across the hall with Herc," she explained, grabbing out a hair tie and pulling his hair into a low ponytail. "You washed your face this morning, right?"

Alex nodded confusedly, watching as she looked through her tools for a minute before pulling out a bottle of some pale liquid. She placed a small amount on her hand before reaching towards Alex's face.

Alex leaned back and away from her hands, staring at the liquid cautiously. What is that? he questioned, not wanting it to touch him.

"It's primer, silly! I'm giving you your makeover!"

Alex's mouth fell open in shock as he realized why she was attacking his face. This is makeup?! he signed, holding up one of the 'tools'.

"Yep!" Peggy laughed, "Now let me do my job!"

She rubbed the primer carefully on his face before sitting back with a satisfied look. Alex squirmed uncomfortably under her gaze, itching to rub the liquid off of him.

Pretty soon, Peggy was moving through tools like crazy, applying each thing to Alex's face with care before moving to the next.

Is there anybody else here? Alex asked, trying to keep his mind off of the weird stuff on him.

"Other than my dad, no. My sisters are both in college already," she said, sitting between his legs as she carefully applied his mascara. Normally this would not be the best way for them to sit, but they were both too gay to care.

You have sisters?! Alex signed, eyes widening.

"You're going to make me mess up your mascara," Peggy whined, "And yes, I have two sisters. The oldest is Angelica, who's 20, and then there's Eliza, who's 19."

Tell me about them.

"There's not much to say really. They're both nice, I guess. Dad loves them."

Your dad loves you too, Alex pointed out.

"I know, I know," Peggy frowned, "It's just— it's always 'and Peggy'. You never hear 'and Angelica' or 'and Eliza' come out of his mouth."

Alex let her vent while he sat there and listened.

"Whenever he introduces us to his friends, he'll rant on and on about how accomplished they are. It's rare he ever mentions me. It's just tiring, you know?"

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