Part One: The Site

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Music: Gettysburg by Cold Weather Company

Note: Before beginning, Brightstudioonline has wrote the story 'Dusk To Dawn', which chronicles Donivan's dreamscape. It's a canonical prequel. May want to check it out.

~ donivan "trix" shire ~

My body jolts up, and the immense pain in my head instantly pushes me back onto the pillow. I hear rustling in the room, and slowly open one eye. Adjusting to the overhead light, I open the other, trying to remain calm.

     I try to jump up and run to the armory as I had usually, but my hands were fastened down to the bed. "No.. Jet, no! I've gotta get out!"

     "Hey, hey," I hear. I snap my head in the direction of the sound, ignoring the pain in my temple. "It's okay. You're awake."

"Wh- what.. we need to go! They'll be coming any minute!" I yell in urgency, staring wide eyed at the man sitting in the chair next to me. I try to piece the room together, confused and bewildered. This wasn't the same room I had been waking up in in Skygrip. It was more of a medical room, and I could make out an IV to my left. A few tubes ran into my nose, and I had a weird hat on. The man to my left wasn't a krunker, but a technician of sorts with a medical gown.

     "Relax, Donivan," he assures. "You're awake."

     Then, my memory of the man comes back. "Angel?"

     "Yeah, it's me," he replies. Everything begins pouring back at this point. "You've been in a coma for a few weeks."

     "Oh," I mutter, feeling the pain in my head retreat ever so slightly. Angel walks over to me, holding my head down before removing the two tubes. I nearly vomit, but the sensation ends quickly. He then removes the hat, and undies the hand restraints. "How long?"

     "22 days," Angel replies. "10 hours, 34 minutes, 46 seconds."

"How specific," I mutter, rubbing my head, still in pain. The 'dream' was foggy, with my brain being occupied, but I'd remember it later. It seemed so real. Maybe this was just another phase of it?"

"We've been monitoring your brain activity," Angel states. "Recurring nightmare. You just got shot, yeah?"

"Fuck," I mutter, now remembering why my head hurt. "Yeah, I can feel it."

"Language," he laughs, handing me a pill to take and a glass of water. "Painkiller. Looks like the imaginary shot hurt?"

"It's so weird.." I mutter, taking the pill. That man, Jet, got so pissed in that room.

"It looks like the headshot was a sign of your mental state," he replies. "Your brain's continued dream has taken a toll on your mental health, it looks like. Recurring Lucid Nightmares often bend reality and your dreamscape."

"Ah, great," I mutter, trying to stand and successfully finding my planting. It was nice to stand up and relax, instead of immediately sprint up a hundred floors of Skygrip tower. Then, more of the dream comes back. The weird tubes. The person inside... wait.

Was it Selina?

"Where's.. where's Selina?" I ask, my heart rate rising.

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