Chapter 8

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Freddie made good on his promised and dropped my car to me on Saturday morning. Not only had he had the damage he caused repaired, but he had also paid for my car to have a full paint job, eliminating any scratches I had caused on my car over the course of time I had owned it. I was so grateful that he did that for me, but he refused to let me give him the money back for it.

It had been two weeks since I had my car back. I was able to visit Mrs C at home, and our sessions were going very well. She had begun to make massive improvements and was relying less and less on her notepad to communicate. The hospital only allowed two home visits a week over a six-week period, meaning I had already had four sessions with Mrs C. in true Mrs C style, she kept mentioning Freddie, telling me that we are meant to be. I tried to avoid that topic of conversation like the plague, but she always managed to force me to talk about it. I had told her about our Friday night drinks, how awful the date went with Mike and how I had broken things off with him. She was absolutely elated when I told her that. The whole session she had the biggest smile on her face.

My next session with Mrs C was tomorrow. I had been preparing her sessions in advance, but because of how much we ended talking about my personal life and Mrs C's family, we were way behind schedule. I had asked Freddie to join us for the session today, so I could show him how to carry out some at-home therapy with Mrs C between my visits. This would be the only way we would be able to get the course of therapy finished before my sessions with Mrs C ended.

My boss had been incredibly strict with me since I started doing home visits. She made me write down what time I left work, how long I spent at Mrs C's and when I returned. She wanted to know everything I did. Liz often mentioned she felt there was something strange about the whole situation, as Freddie had harassed her to allow me to do the home visits. Liz always said things like 'Freddie wants to keep it in the family' and that 'it is extremely unprofessional to have intimate relationships with your client and their family'. I just took no notice. As far as I was concerned, I hadn't breached any of my professional duties within my normal working hours. And there were no rules on getting to know your clients outside of working hours. It did add to the pressure of the home visits however, as Liz's words stuck in my mind.

Since Freddie had dropped my car back, we had been texting every day. Most of the time it was about Mrs C, but he always asked how I was. Although I didn't want to admit it, I was looking forward to seeing Freddie tomorrow. And I hated to admit it, but I think I was starting to like him.


"Good afternoon Mrs C, how are you today?" I asked her, following her into the house.

"I'm good my Gi-Gi. Have you lost weight?" Mrs C asked me.

"Not since you saw me two days ago, Mrs C" I laughed. If I told her I hadn't eaten properly for a few days she would hold me hostage and force feed me.

"Is Freddie here yet Mrs C?" I asked her, knowing sometimes he heads straight upstairs to his office he had made for when he has to stay overnight to keep Mrs C company. Mrs C shook her head no, meaning that he hadn't arrived yet. We started the session regardless, knowing I only had a certain amount of time to spend here. About twenty minutes into the session I heard the front door open and Freddie rushed in carrying hopping bags.

"I'm so sorry I'm late. The queues at the supermarket were crazy." Freddie explained. He pulled some food out of the bags and brought them over to where we were sitting.

"I knew you wouldn't have had anything for lunch, so I bought you some of the noodles I know you like." I was shocked and touched that he was so thoughtful.

"Am I that predictable?" we all laughed, "thank you so much Freddie" I said. I opened the box and began eating. I didn't realise how hungry I was.

"I'll quickly talk you through all of this so you can carry on when I'm gone" I spent the next twenty minutes talking Mrs C and Freddie through everything whilst we ate some lunch. Freddie noted down everything I said, and asked questions if he wasn't sure of something. I was thrilled to see he was willing to put so much effort into this. I could really tell how much he loved his Abuela.

Freddie was sat next to me so he could see closely what I was doing. Mrs C clapped her hands together and exclaimed "You two would make a beautiful couple!". We both carried on, too embarrassed to acknowledge what she said.


Half an hour later and the session was finished. Freddie had tried a few exercises with Mrs C whilst I was there so I could correct him if he was doing it wrong. He done really well, and Mrs C was really trying. I began packing up my equipment, ready to leave.

"I'll help you to your car" Freddie offered. I asked him to pick up my folders and books and pit them in the boot of my car.

"I just wanted to apologise for my Abuela. It makes me uncomfortable when she says stuff like that so I'm guessing it makes you uncomfortable to" He explained.

"Oh, don't worry about it, I'm used to it now" I told him. We both laughed and it went quiet for a moment. Freddie closed my car boot for me, and we just stood looking at each other, neither of us knowing what to say.

"Ask her Fred!" we heard Mrs C shout from the front door.

"Ask me what?" I said to Freddie.

"You can say no, but I wondered if I could make dinner for you one night? You can say no, I know how you like 'to be professional'" Freddie and his bloody sarcastic air quotes he used to take the mickey out of me. I wasn't expecting Freddie to ask me to dinner. I felt quite flattered.

"Yes, I would like that Freddie" I replied.

"I'll drop you a text and we can decide on an evening if that's okay with you?" he asked. I nodded.

"I best get back to work before my manager lynches me. I'll see you soon" I waved bye to Freddie. I couldn't believe what just happened. Was it a date or just dinner? I guess I would find out soon.


I hope you all enjoyed this chapter! Let me know in the comments.

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Love to you all,

Maria x

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