Chapter 14

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Y/N: JUNGKOOK! Come home and I will kick your ass.

I was struggling with bags of toiletries and vegetables. Gladly my generous brother, didn't even lend me a hand. Pfft.

Carring a bunch of heavy things and shouting in your phone is one of the hardest thing I can ever think of.

And the last thing I wanted was my phone to slip away.

But a pale hand saved my phone from being smashed into smaller pitiful pieces. I thanked the person by bowing at a ninety degree.

Y/N: Thank you.

???: I can give you a hand.

Y/N: What? No...

My statement immediately changed after I saw him.

Y/N: What are you doing here? You should be practicing right now.

Yoongi: My coach is under the weather today so...there is no training today.

He grabbed the bags away from my hand.

Y/N: Good for you. So how is your practice going?

Yoongi: Everything is going great expect the fact that I miss you.

I was startled for a second there. It's not like I have not heard these kind of words from Yoongi. He just...he just...said it out aloud confirming that he has a soft heart for me.

Y/N: ...

I opened my mouth to say something but was only a sigh. To my help came a raindrop from the sky.

Thank you god. For a moment there I thought I was doomed.

We ran to my house and took off our shoes as we got in.

Y/N: You can keep those things on that table.

Yoongi: Aye aye Captain.

Meanwhile I went to Jungkook's room to get some clean clothes and a trowel.

I ran back to the kitchen and handed him the dry clothes.

Y/N: Change into these so that you won't catch a cold.

He just nodded his head and I showed him the way to Jungkook's room.

It was just a simple nod but it did something to my heart that I can't explain with words.

I know, I know. That words are mainly introduced to express one's feeling but...some words are bond not to be spoken.

Did you get what I am trying to convey? How would you understand when me myself didn't get what the shit I am talking about.

After changing into a black half pant and a gray sweatshirt, I went to Jungkook's room to check on Yoongi.

I just went inside without knocking and saw a half naked Yoongi struggling with Jungkook's sweatshirt.

He has a well toned abs for a high school boy.

Where the hell is his head? His heard was nowhere to be seen giving him no clue that I was here.

Y/N: You can't even roll down a sweatshirt.

I approached him and helped him to roll down the sweatshirt.

He was shocked and was staring at me who was now picking up his previous clothes to dry it.

Yoongi: You just can't drag yourself into a room where a man is changing.

I placed the clothes on the bed and snatched the trowel from his hand following by pushing him on the bed. I climbed on the bed and he was now infront of me. Back facing.

I started drying his hair and simply said...

Y/N: You don't have to feel so uptight. I won't do anything and to remind you...I have a brother so these things are normal for me.

He was silent for a moment and I was smiling at myself. VICTORY.

To my dismay, out of no fucking where he grabbed my wrist and pushed me into a laying position with him on top of me. I could feel his eyes priceing through my soul.

His flawless skin was so ethereal that it got me blinking for a couple of times which made him smirk.

His electrical finger traced it's way from my head to my jawline. Then proceeding to my waist and hugged it.

I was out of breath when he smashed his lips on my collarbone and left butterfly kisses up to my ear. Then whispered in an alluring way...

Yoongi: But you forgot something really important.

He send a wave of current down my spine.

Yoongi: I can do anything to you as I am not your brother.

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