Chapter 3

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Taehyung: I think I like you.

Y/N: What?

I always thought that he hated me but turns out it's the opposite.

I was shocked and perplexed. Who knew he would have these kind of feelings towards me?

Y/N: I...I wish I could reciprocate your feelings but so sorry Taehyung.

I looked down because I was damn sure that I won't be able to face him.

???:But I will try my best to make you mine.

I lifted my head to see Taehyung but to my surprise, it was that 'High School Boy.'

I saw his gummy smile forming on his face. He was looking straight into my eyes.

Out of nowhere I heard giggles. Then my head had these pain like before. I held my head in my hands.

I want this to stop.

I want to know why this boy keeps on showing up.

But my eyes felt heavy and then all I could see was darkness.
???: Hey!Are you okay?

Y/N: What's happening?

???: You fell in the pond. I pulled you out.

Y/N: Ahhh...where is Taehyung?

???: Who is Taewhat?

I looked up to answer him but completely froze after seeing his face.

The 'High school boy.'

???: You must be shocked....dry yourself.

He threw me his jacket.

He was right. I was shocked. Couldn't he be a little gentle? 

This boy is totally different than how I imagined him from my dreams.

He didn't smile and had this cold tone when he spoke unlike my dream.

I took his jacket but then I realized that I was also wearing the same uniform like his.

I heard a bell ringing somewhere near. I decided to follow it and it led me to a school. High school.

What in the hell is happening?

Y/N: Welcome to Daegu High School Carnival?

I read aloud. Then I felt a hand on my shoulder.

???:Hey,why ain't you dressed?

I looked up to see a very handsome guy. I gave him an awkward smile cause I don't know who the hell is this hottie?

Hottie: And why the hell are you wet. The last thing I want today is for my best friend to be wet.


???: Hey, Jin. Come over here I need you.

Jin: I need to go. Go change into this.

He gave me a dress. Wait. Am I going to work right now?

~After Changing~

I looked in the mirror and OMFG...
I look small, small meaning young. I used to have short hair but what is this?

I ran my hand through my hair. It was long. It touched my waist. I admit I look good but I think the dress is short.

I ran out and saw my one and only brother...


Jungkook: What the hell? We just fought like 1 hour before and you...

I cutted him off by hugging him.

Y/N: I missed you. I feel lost. I don't know what is happening? It feels like I have been thrown into a different universe.

He just patted my back. Like always, never failing to calm me down.

Y/N: I love you. I always will,Jungkook.

A Cold Day In July [COMPLETED]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ