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Mia's POV.

He raised his eyebrow as if he was daring me to say it again..okay.

"I said that I'm pregnant and you are responsible.

"That's is not possible.

"It is, okay let me stop beating round the bush......I'm pregnant because I said so and you are responsible because I said so.

"There no way I'm taking responsibility for another person's child. He said pacing up and down.

I looked at Vina and she signalled me to go on.

"Don't you get it, I'm not really pregnant, but to everyone I am, and you are responsible.

"What kind of game are you trying to play here, the only reason I came here is to tell you that there is a conference meeting tomorrow to explain to everyone what happened to you.....that's all" he said as he turned to go.

"I will attend the conference meeting on one condition, and thats for you to accept my unborn baby.

In your dreams miss sanchester....and you will attend the conference meeting" he said.

"You can force me to attend but you can't words out of my mouth and you certainly can't tell me what to say, Mr Black".

He sighed and looked at me "why are you doing all this, what do you want. he said clearly angry.

I didn't care less " nice way to start a negotiation" I said as I brought out the flash drive.

"And what's that. He said as he stood in my front.

"Your company's new project and almost everything about your company is in here, so destroying you could be quite easy". I said as he stared at me confused.

"How did you get it.

"That shouldn't be the question, you want it back right.

"I really don't care what you do with it, your uncle owns your company right, I can easily get it back from him.

"So overly confident, you wanted to know how I got it right and the real reason why I came to your company......well, it's because that same uncle who you want to buy it from sent me to get it and your nice secretary wasn't as secretive as other secretaries, so I got it easily.

He stared at me with an expression i couldn't quite place.

"Okay, I'll agree to be the father of your non-existent Baby in return to will give me the flash drive.

"That's better" I said as he glared at me....if looks could kill.

"What are we going to tell the press about your sudden pregnancy.

"Leave that to me. I said and smiled at him.

"I'm leaving now and I'll be back later to know more about what is going on in that head of yours.

"Okay, be back soon...I waved him bye, surprised at my action.

He left and Mia gave me a high five and laughed.

"I thought things will actually turn out bad but you managed to pull it off.

"I know right, I was also getting worked up, that guy gives me the chills" I said.

" I thought he will throw a fit if he found out I stole from him and suprisingly he did not react to it.

"I guess he had enough surprises to deal with and get ready to go home, you have a conference meeting tomorrow.

"I know right, I don't even know what to say. I confessed.

"I thought you told him to leave everything to you" she said confused.

"After telling him about the plan, you expect me to tell him I seriously don't know what to tell the press...... He'll kill me.

"Be thankful you have a friend like me, if not sorry for your ass.

"So what do you mean" I asked.

"It means I have the perfect words for you to say to the press.

"Really....tell me about it.

"Okay.......she told me about her idea and it turned out great.

"Perfect... Come give me a hug, what could I really do without you. I said as I dragged her into my arms.

I was really happy because i didn't have to beg that asshat for help and he is helping me......He doesn't know what I have in store for him. I smiled.

Vina turned on the television and almost all the stations were with the news of the Mia sanchester and Javier Hernandez Black.

I saw some reporters at my house, some trying to get hold of uncle and some trying to talk to Javier.

"There will be a conference tomorrow, you will get your answers there.....and please leave this premises, the people here need absolute peace and quiet so does my fian....He abruptly stopped.... okay. He said as he quickly entered his car.

"What was he about to say, vina.

"According to my research, he was about to say fiance.

"Thank God he didn't complete it" I said.


"Because from now on I'll be dropping the surprises".

"Whatever. She rolled her eyes at me.

These reporters are like leeches, they won't leave you until they suck out all the information they want from you
..... annoying roaches.

The next thing that popped up was uncle being interviewed

"So, what do you think happened to your niece. the reporter asked.

"I really don't know, I can't think of anything... Why did she go to Black Empire and why she left covered in blood, my poor niece. I Wonder what that man did to her. He said faking his tears.

"So fake. I mummured and Vina nodded.

"Now he is trying to blame Javier.she said.

"Have you gone to visit her in the hospital, this is the second day.

"Not yet, I didn't want to weaken her by showing my presence yet but I'll go there later in the day because I contacted the doctor who treated her and he said she was fine now.

"Okay, but what do you have to say about the conference meeting tomorrow.

"I can't say yet, but I will talk to my niece about it....bye. he stood up and left.

Vina and I looked at each other and I blinked twice and swallowed hard.

"Your uncle's coming. She whispered as if she was checking if the walls had ears.

I nodded" we have to leave now.

I jumped down form the bed and quickly changed my clothes,vina brought some T-shirt and denim jeans, thankfully my leg wasn't hurting any longer but the bandage was still round my head.

We quickly arranged the bed and turned to leave when the door opened revealing someone.

"Going somewhere, he said.

I bit my lower lip and looked at Vina who was also looking at me.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2021 ⏰

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