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Mia's POV.

"Just remove the bullet and tie a bandage". I Said to the doctor, he was really getting on my nerves.

"Ma'am, I'm really sorry but I can't do that, you might catch an infection and the wound would open easily" he said.

"Okay, remove the bullet, pour antiseptics and tie it with a bandage, leave the opening to me" I told him again. I really had to go home and try to get in touch with the owner of Black Empire, I really don't want to steal again and this asshat of a doctor was wasting my time.

"But your life would be in danger and my conscience can't bear that. He said

"Get me the equipments, I'll do it myself. I said stretching my hands.

"Okay, maam, I'll do it but don't come back and Sue my hospital. He said looking worried as he told me to lie down and gave me a cloth to put in my mouth in order not to disturb the other patients when shouting.

"Don't worry, I won't do that. I assured him. In less than 45 minutes, he was done and I was sweating all over and suprisingly I didn't shout nor cry.

"All done, miss sanchester. He said wrapping my thigh with a bandage, but be very careful any little thing can rip it open.

"Okay, so you know me, and thanks by the way, please don't mention this to anyone. I said and he smiled, he was handsome,in his late 20s I guess.

"You are quite popular Ma'am, don't worry no one will know about this but how did you get shot. He asked.

"Shooting practice, and thanks by the way, I said as I stood up to leave.

"You will need crutches, Ma'am. He said as he tried assisting me to the door.

"No need I can manage, thanks. I Said as I walked out. I got Vina from her room and we went home.

"You look funny with your hand cast, I said as I laughed.......but I'm really sorry.

"Stop apologising ok, we are going to get revenge, how come you look so normal, according to my sense of reasoning, you are meant to use a wheelchair or crutches. She said.

"I rejected it, remember I have somewhere to go tomorrow, I can't get used to crutches.

We entered inside the penthouse and we decided to go to sleep, I entered my room and sat down on my bed as I sighed and looked around, my room was a mess and my formerly known White cardigan was hanged on my closet door " that blind asshat".I mummured and sighed softly as I layed down and slept off almost immediately.

The Next morning

I woke up to the increasing pain in my leg, thank God I had some antibiotics and antiseptics in my first aid kit, I quickly got up and took some and replaced the bandage since the other one was already soaked with blood, " the doctor warned me, I hope this don't get infected.

I quickly had my Bath and dressed up, I wore a floral designed short gown and Gold heels, I felt something dripping down my leg and yet again blood, I doubled the bandage and adjusted my gown, picked my car keys and went downstairs.

I laughed hard when I saw Vina talking to her hand cast and she turned and looked at me.

"You look mad" I said as I continued laughing.

"Yeah, say whatever you want, are you leaving now", she asked.

"Yeah, bye and wish me good luck.

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