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The elevators weren't still working, the electronic team said they don't know what happened, I the 50th,49th and 48th floor and I might take a long time to fix so if it's an emergency we should take the stairs......what the fuck.

I ran down the stairs in full speed afraid I might fall.

"Take it easy sir, don't worry she will be alright" Noah said.

I just hope so because she has lost a lot of blood. I thought not answering Noah .

We finally reached the 47th floor and some of the guards had joined us inside the elevator. They looked confused but none dared to ask.

"Sir let me carry her, you are stained all over" Noah offered.

"No, I can handle it" I mummured to him.. she wasn't still moving and she was still bleeding.... I wouldn't be in this situation if not for that mistake.... I don't like thinking about it. I shook my head to get rid of the thought if that actually works.

"Sir, what are we going to do about the employee's, what will they say, this situation can't get out to the media" Noah said.

I sighed" if they can't bring her back to normal then I can think about what they will say and for the media, we will think about them later Noah, let's get her to the hospital first.

"Okay sir,he said as the elevator opened and we walked out.

I really wanted to run to the car but I couldn't, I didn't want it to look like I was panicking, I still have my image to protect.

I could hear people gasp, some too shocked to talk, whatever.....I couldn't blame them we were both covered in blood.

We finally entered the car and I was finally breathing well, my back hurts.

We reached the hospital and she was rushed to the I.C.U for treatment and she was given blood because she had lost alot.

I really wanted to go back home and shower but I couldn't, my conscience wouldn't let me until I know that she is safe.

A nurse came and asked if i was related to her and I answered yes because if a relative of her's isn't here they wouldn't treat her.

"What your relationship with her" the nurse asked again.

Was this necessary, I didn't know what to say.

"Are you her husband, sir" she asked again.

What the hell is wrong with this nurse, husband is too much of a lie " I'm her fiance, pls don't ask me any other question. I said as she smiled politely and gave me some papers to sign and Noah followed her to pay the bills.

The doctor came out two hours later, and I rushed to meet him"how is she doctor" I asked him.

"She is out of danger now, and thankfully she has no internal injuries in her head and her leg injury was infected and what made her dizzy was the over dose of antibiotics, but she's fine now and she will have to say here for observation, sir...He said.

"Thanks doctor, is she awake" I asked

"No not yet, but she will be in some time.... He said as he was about to go but stopped " your wife will need this drugs, you can get it downstairs in the pharmacy, he said and left.

I heard someone clear his throat, I turned as saw Noah looking at me "what" I questioned him.

"From being her fiance to her husband, that's great improvement"
He said.

I just glared at him, " I'm sure she will kill me if she finds out".I said to him.

Noah is more than a body guard, we became close when he started working for dad, he was also a close friend who knew almost all my secrets......... My Mind wandered back to Mia" I wonder how she got shot and who shot her." I told Noah

"What made her drink one bottle of antibiotics, what was she thinking and she didn't think about treating her injury properly" he said.

"She gives me a headache" I mummured lightly to Noah.

"But if you don't endure that headache, you are going to get more than just a minor headache, Javi" he said as he tapped my shoulder, and excused himself as he got a call.

I sighed knowing fully well what he meant by that, thankfully the press hasn't found out about it..... yet, because sooner or later they are going to find out.

"Sir" Noah called like five minutes later.

"What happened, Noah" I asked tiredly.

"The Press have found out and its all over the news.... And there is even a video." He said.

"Great, everything is going perfectly fine, what could go wrong again" I said sarcastically.

"I knew the press was going to find out about it but not so soon. He said.

" Don't worry, I'll figure something out. I said.

"We should check if she's already awake, so we can go home already, you smell awful" he said

I glared at him and he smiled" let's go" I said as we entered her room.

"She just woke up, so please because not to make too much noise. The nurse from earlier told us

"Ok, Noah answered, I didn't even want to talk again.

The nurse left the room and I looked at her, she wasn't talking or even looking at us, she just looked straight, staring into blank space.

"How are you feeling" I managed to say.

"Why did you bring me to a hospital" she said as she looked at me.

I just stared at her like she had grown forty heads "are you being serious right now" I said....

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