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Mia's POV.

I felt like I was on a bed once again, I opened my eyes and looked around.

Vina walked in looking tired and sleepy "how are you feeling Mia" she asked.

"I'm fine, what happened" I asked.

"Oh, when I told Mr handsome how he looked hot carrying you out of his building in bridal Style with both of you covered in blood, you passed out." She explained as she sat down on the chair by my side.

"He did what??...and how did you find out about it" I asked.

"It's on the every News channel......you should have kept it at the back of your mind that this would happen when you decided to pull that crazy stunt of yours"she said yawning.

"Can my life become any more worse than this, because uncle would have watched the news by now".I told Vina

"I think you're life can really becoming worse because your are one hell of a trouble maker" she said

I glared at her" you can't really be helpful, can you" I said shooting daggers at her.

"Well, whatever, I don't think you're uncle can come after us because we are admitted in a hospital" she said as she carried the remote to switch the television on.

"We??, I questioned.

"Yes, we because I just got my self admitted..I feel to tired and sleepy to drive home" she said .

"You're crazy, just like that and you don't even look sick" I said amused.

She shook her hand in my front "cast remember and I threatened to sue the hospital if I should leave without getting admitted......trust me I can do it" she said searching for a good show to watch.

"I know you can do it.....and why were you getting all friendly with my enemy" I suddenly questioned.

"Whose your enemy" she asked not looking at me.

"Mr Black" I mummured to her not really knowing why I mummured.

"I didn't know he was your enemy, by the way...He sent your bloody stuffs, by that I mean your bag and shoes.....they are over there." She said.

"Cant you remember that blind bat that poured wine on my white cardigan given to me by Mum..I said.

She looked at me for a while "I knew he looked familiar....gosh that arrogant handsome jerk, I take back my word he isn't insanely hot again, even though he is" she suddenly stopped talking and looked at me and smiled.

I shook my head "Please help me with my bag, I need to be sure the flash drive in inside" I asked her.

"You got the documents," she asked as she gave me my bag.

"Yeah, but I'm not giving it to uncle, I need a plan to stop this once and for all" I explained to her.

"You are one Smart, lazy, troublesome girl" she said as she smiled.

She finally put the E-entertainment and I felt like strangling her, it was the  now viral video of the earlier incident" the nerve of that guy"I said.

"Tell me you don't like it" she said wriggling her brows at me.

"Are you insane"I shouted at her.

"Yeah yeah, spare me your lies and fake anger......Mr not longer handsome said he will be here tomorrow morning to visit you and to talk about the media" she said

"He shouldn't come here, if not I will scatter his handsome face and he should fix his reputation hiself." I snorted out.

"Now you admit he is handsome and by the way it's also your reputation on the line.

"My reputation can't be on the line, I'm the victim here. I snapped at her.

"Whatever, you both will sort yourself out tomorrow" she said.

"The nerve of that guy" I said again
gritting my teeth.

I really have of a way to finally get rid of uncle once and for all,  and this flash drive might be of help.

"what are you thinking about " Mia asked me.

"A way to get uncle out of our lives forever " I said.

"I think I have the perfect plan, she said as she raised one eyebrow at me and smiled " but you will never agree to it". She said

"just tell me about it, if it's reasonable we'll go ahead with it but if it's not then stop thinking about it " I said knowing fully well that vina's brain can be full of nonsense.

"okay,  here it goes "she said.

She told me about her reasonable plan which turned out to be the most hilarious thing I have ever heard in my life.

"are you sure you aren't really crazy,  tell me I'll help you....... "Are you insane Vina, where do you get your ideas from ". I said not believing I heard that from my best friend.

"listen Mia,  this is the best plan ever, I'm so smart,  this would help clear both of your reputation, help you two get to know each other and the best......your uncle is old news because he will be rotting in jail for murder.

"And who told you I want to know him better........dont worry I'll think of something better "I said.

"whatever Mia, I'm going to sleep in my new room, by the way I am in room 215, come over if you're feeling lonely... Good night ". She said and left.

"good night Vina," I mumbled as she peeped her head back inside my room "can't wait to see your awesome plan tomorrow when Mr not so hot again arrives" she said and left.

I will surely think of something better than her plan. I thought I as adjusted my comforter and rested my head on the pillow.

Thinking of what vina said again" is she nuts.....I won't do it, I can't believe she actually thought of that but it was a nice plan but the problem is me and my problem is him.

After much thinking, I finally slept off not being able to think of anything.

I woke up late as usual, Vina was already in my room..

"So what's your perfect plan, Mr not so handsome again will soon be here.

I really wasn't able to think of anything but I can't tell her because she will laugh at me.

"Nothing right, I knew it.....Just Go ahead with my idea and it will be a bang'... trust me.

"I really couldn't think of anything because of you, you made me tensed........and by the way he won't accept it" I suddenly calmed down....

This was the only way we, actually vina'could think of and I can't just let go of this opportunity because I hate him.

"That isn't a problem, that why you have the flash..... threaten to give his big project to your uncle and goodbye to him making more money and you will say he attacked you in his office because he refused to accept the child".she said

" Really..I can't believe you are this Smart and I will also get back at him either way". I smiled mischievously.

We heard a knock on the door and Vina answered....it was him in all his glory and Noah.

They entered while Vina smiled sheepishly at me.

He wore a black Armani suit.....Hot as always, he sat down in front of me" how are you feeling" he asked.

"Fine, I answered not looking at him.

"I came here to talk to you about something" He said

"I also want to talk to you" I said looking at Vina who winked at me.

"Okay, go first" He said.

My heart was beating pretty hard, I bit my lower lip and brought out the flash ......"I'm pregnant" I finally blurted out.

He looked shocked and confused "Are you being serious right now. He muttered.

"Yes and you are the father of my unborn baby. I said looking straight into his eyes...

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