"Alright, now everyone take your positions, get set," I was up against Mineta, Tokoyami, Koda, Bakugou and Denki, we wait for Yaomomo's signal, "Go!" We all hop into the water, I feel the water rushing past me, I hear Bakugou's explosions above water, he must be propelling himself with his explosions, he relies too heavily on his quirk for wins, no matter, I'll just beat him, "First place, Yuki!" I grin, "No way! Stupid slasher couldn't have won!" I smirk, and show him the time, "3 seconds faster! I'll beat your ass!" I get out of the water, "Try again another time, no one can beat me in the water," I grin smugly, in the next round, Karma smoked them, Nagisa coming a close third after Todoroki. We had the finals, Karma vs. me vs. Izuku, "On your marks, get set, go!" We all take off, I expected Izuku to beat us in a flash with a quirk like his but seems like he's swimming at a normal pace, oh well, guess it's a win for, "Tie! Karma and Yuki both win!" We grin and hop out of the water, we see Izuku and wait for him, "What happened? I thought you'd smoke us?" Karma asks, "I don't know my quirk just wouldn't activate, it-" Mr Aizawa walks in, "It's 5 pm, go home." I snicker, "That's why." 

We pack our bags ready for camp the next day, "Now that you've finished up your first semester at UA high, you're on finally summer vacation, however, don't think that this will be months of rest for you heroes in training, at this camp, we'll push you beyond your limits, you're aiming to become plus ultra," "Yes sir!" We get ready, "I'm so excited! I've been waiting for this camp the entire semester!" Uraraka goes up to Izuku I snicker and blow kisses to both of them, their faces going bright red, "Hey look it's class B!" I point out, "Hey look it's the four quirkless the manage to get in 1-A, how useless, I don't know who you manage to keep up-" We run up to him and slash a paint streak on his neck and uniform, two blue, two red, "Keep your mouth shut Monoma, one day you'll regret it," Karma says flipping his knife, while the four of us walk back to 1-A, 'how cool!' both 1-A and 1-B were thinking, "Well, uh, I guess it's nice to see you outside the festival! I guess we aren't technically rivals," a girl says, "Come on guys! Let's board the bus!" Kendo says while dragging Monoma, "Wow, both the girls from class A and class B, it's like a buffet of bombshells," Mineta was drooling all over his arm, I bend down and give him a smile, "Have a nice sleep!" Everyone was confused, I land a strong kick to his head, knocking him out, "Hmm! Seems stronger compared to the time I kicked Smog," I say rubbing my leg, "Who's Smog?" Kirishima asks us, "Oh he's just the freelance assassin that poisoned us and we set out to kill us, no big," Kaede smiles, "NO BIG??!!" The class screams, "We've faced the devil himself, Takakoa, no one beats that bastard," Karma smirks, the four of us heading on the bus, 'what hardcore people each one of them are!' the class thinks.

"EVERYONE MUST STAY SEATED IT'S A SAFETY HAZARD!" "Why aren't we blasting some music?" "Do not open that window!" The entire class was a warzone, I was just peacefully sleeping on Karma's shoulder, "Man, how did a sadist bastard like you get such innocent cutie like Yuki?" Denki bends over the seat to ask Karma, "Dunno, it just happened," Mina pops up, "Ooh! Tell us the story," He shrugs, "it won't be interesting," Mina glares at him, "Tell me..." Karma backs up a bit and clears his throat, "Ok, ok, well, um, first I guess it started off with me seeing her cut off one of Koro-Sensei's tentacles, none of us had managed to get one except for me and her, funnily enough, we used the same technique, we just cut up our knives and stuck them to our hands, and gave him a handshake, easy as that, then I guess Mr K kept pairing us up for shooting and knife drills because we were at a similar skill level, we then sorta started discussing plans with each other, we started our own personal assassination plans which obviously failed, but no matter, it got me closer to this girl, some think I was just making up random schemes to kill the octopus to get closer to Yuki, they aren't wrong, and the rest is history!" Mina was crying, "That was so sweet! A love story bound in the stars," He kisses my head I groan a bit, and wake up "Are we there yet? Why is everyone looking at us?" Everyone started squealing, "You're adorable Yuki!!!" The bus stops, "Get off, go stand outside or something," We all start filing out of the bus, "I need to pee! I need to pee!" Mineta was running around, suddenly a black car opens, "Long time no see Eraser! Your feline fantasies are here! Say Meow!" A brunette in a cat costume walks out, "Purrrfectly cute and cat-like girls!" A long continues, "You can call us the Wild, Wild, Pussycats!" I snicker a laugh, "These are the pro heroes you'll be working with at the summer training camp," We all look shocked, "No way! They're the Wild, Wild, Pussycats! They specialise in mountain rescues, they were founded when we were kids, this marks their twelfth anniversary!" "I'm eighteen at heart!" The blond shoves her... paw? Hand? In Izuku's face, "Everyone say hello," we all say hello, there was a boy with them too, "We own this whole stretch of land, the summer camp you're staying at is at the base of the mountain, over there!" We look off into the distance, where? "Then why did we stop all the way up here?" Uraraka asks we're all wary and quickly turn around, "Uh, back on the bus, let's go." Sero starts walking back, "Good idea!" we start slowly going back to the bus, "The current time is 9:30 in the morning, if you're fast about it, you might make it by noon," the brunette purrs, creepy, suddenly we are pushed down by the blond, "It should take you three hours, plenty of time to get to the facility, that is if you can get past the beast forest!" She points behind us, the four of us sigh, and start walking forwards, "Aren't you afraid, first you're quirkless, second who knows what's in there!"Mineta screams at us, we grin, and pull out our new issued uniforms, knives and guns, "How? Did you bring all that stuff?" Sero asks us, "It's reversible! We can switch the sides if they get dirty or to be less inconspicuous as for the knife, stun gun and gun, oh we always have them on hand," I smirk, "Wait! Don't you want to start with a plan?!" Iida asks us as we continue walking, "The forest is our homeland, an assassin creeps through the cracks, it's easy if you think about it," Nagisa quickly turns around, "Easy my ass! You've been training for the entire year! You know how to scale vertical cliffs, fire gun, wield knives, parkour, not piss your pants at every scary situation your faced with!" Kaminari is shaking in his boots, "Welp see ya!" We take off into the woods, a large root monster shows up, "AHHHHH!" Everyone else screams, we quickly with the flick of our wrist and the sound of a few rounds being fired and that thing as down, "H-HOW ON EARTH DID YOU DO THAT??!!" Mina screams I stick my tongue out, "Assassination my friend!" we continue leaping branch to branch while the rest of 1-A was still at the beginning. 

We walk out of that forest, "No way, did you guys cheat?" the four of us look up and shake our heads, "I-it's only been an hour! Oh, I'm Mandalay, nice to meet you," We bow, "Nice you meet you Mandalay," she was still shocked, "Pixie bob! Come look, we have these four who already got through the beast forest!" The blond pounces up, "No way! How? Wait a minute, how did you get government-grade material?!" we sigh, not this again. 5:30 pm, "Took you guys long enough!" I wave at them, "Man they look out of breath, and bent out of shape," Nagisa comments, "How long did it take you guys to finish the forest?" Izuku asks us, out of breath, "Just over an hour!" Kaede replies, 1-A deadpan, "HOW? THAT WAS BRUTAL! IT TOOK US ALMOST ALL DAY TO GET HERE!!" 1-A bombarded us, "I'm starving! This is hell!" Kirishima says while on the floor, "You did better than I thought you would, especially these six!" Pixie Bob points at Iida, Karma, Todoroki, Izuku, Nagisa and Bakugou, "I'll groom them myself!" she pounces on the six boys running around them, we were all confused, "She's been worse lately, she's at the age of a mate," Mandalay says, we laugh, "Oh just wondering, who's that kid?" Izuku points at the boy I saw earlier, "Oh, that's my cousin, he lives with us now, don't be why Kota, say hi to everyone, you're going to be around them for the next week," Izuku walks up to him, "Hi' my name's Midoriya, I'm from the UA high school hero course, it's nice to meet you!" He holds his hand out to shake to Kota, but he... "Hahaha!" Karma starts laughing, I slap his arm but can't help hold a laugh back, he punched Izuku where the sun doesn't shine, "What a low blow! you fiend of a child a punch to the scrotum is unforgivable!" Iida rushes up to Izuku, he turns around his aura completely changing, "The last thing I want is to hand around some wanna be heroes, I don't care about heroics, I like ninjas and assassins," I grin and look over to Karma who is also grinning too, "That brat's got spunk," Bakugou smirks, "He's like a mini-you," Todoroki adds, "What are you talking about, you better shut your mouth before I blast you to hell!" Mr Aizawa tells us what we're going to do for the rest of the day, everyone is exhausted except for us, we feel like we could still run for a mile, we quickly eat dinner, I kept my eye on that kid, he has a scowl on his face all the time, I wonder. "Hey come on Yuki! The rest of the girls are about to head to the bath wanna come?" Mina asks me I nod and stand up from the table, I kiss Karma's head, "Goodnight, if I don't see you again before tonight," He turns around and nods, kissing my cheek. "Before you learn to be a good hero, you should learn to how to be a good human," I see Kota on the top of the wall pushing Mineta down, I laugh, "Thanks so much Kota!" I smile at him, he blushes and falls off the wall, "OH NO!" I hear Izuku say 'got you!' I give out a sigh of relief.

5:30 AM
Everyone was tired, even us assassins, Mr Aizawa gets Bakugou to throw the ball, "Pshh, how lame, you've only improved 4.4 metres," Karma sneers, "You've had a single semester at UA, and due to all the experiences, you have all definitely improved, but those improvements have only been limited to mental and technical skill, with a slight improvement of stamina along the way, as you can see, your quirks haven't improved much on a fundamental level, that's why we're improving on your powers, this will be so hard, it's like you're dying," The four of our eyes widen, "Let's hope you all survive."

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