002 | Oblivion

463 32 14

j i s o o

"Hey babe." Kook greeted as he kissed my cheeks. I just got out of my room when my boyfriend visited me in the house. It's my day off by the way.

"For you." He pointed behind him and I looked curiously toward it. My eyes widened.

"I-is that...?"

"Yep, your favorites. Like it?"

I just stared at him and this made him smirk at me. He's asking me if I like it. He's asking me if I like the bucket of chicken buffalo wings, 2 boxes of large pizza with 2 big sodas, 2 extra large fries and a gallon of ice cream that are located at the living room table!

"Kook? What the? What's this for?" I asked still bewildered at his actions.

He laughed at the situation and hugged me burying his head into my neck.


"For sorry. I'm so sorry for leaving you alone." He apologized once again hugging me tighter.

I giggled and hugged him back. What a sweet boyfriend. "I forgave you but it should not be happened again, okay?" I assured caressing his big, muscular back. Oh, chunky.

He broke out of the hug and kissed my forehead. "I'm really lucky to have you in my life, baby girl." He whispered and put his forehead on mine, caressing my face with his soft hands. He slowly came near, glancing at my lips. My body was leaning towards him wanting to feel the closeness. I tighten my hold around his waist as I feel his minty breath tickling my skin. I was about to close my eyes and slightly part my lips when...


I quickly turned my head to the voice ignoring the growl that my boyfriend has made.

"We're busy here, Chaeyoung." Kook nearly growled gritting his teeth.

"Ooops!" Instead of being sorry, she just laughed at us. I also caught her opening the box of pizza.

I can't help but laugh at her annoying antics. I hugged Kookie once more and kissed his nose. "Calm down, Kook. You know Chaeyoung and her relationship with food." I grinned at him.

He sighed and hugged me back. "I won't be surprised if she married the food and not a guy." After saying that, he let go of the hug. "I'll be going now, babe." Giving me a peck on the cheek and getting his keys, he went out driving his car.

"You're boyfriend is so sweet! Giving you all the goodie goodies!" Chaeng gushed over the food. She took another slice of pizza and ate it. I sat down on the floor across her. She looked at me weirdly. "Why aren't you eating? Isn't this all yours?"

I raised my brow and scowled at her. "Yes, it's mine. Why are you eating it?"

She stuck her tongue out. "It's food! No questions!" She drinks a glass of soda. "Sorry for disturbing. I didn't know you would be doing it in broad daylight."

I gasped, shocked at her accusation. "Excuse me?!"

She deadpanned. "You know getting on?"

"Ha!" I can't believe this girl! I grabbed a handful of fries and pointed at her. "Mind your own business, lady! We were so not!"


"Stop it or I'll shoved this whole ice cream into your mouth!" I fake threatened as she raised her hands in surrender.

"Fine, fine." She gulped her food and looked at me seriously.

I narrowed my eyes. "What?"

"Last night." She scowled. "What happened last night?"

It took a while before I answered her. Taking a deep breath, I said. "I thought someone was watching me."

Chaeyoung widened her eyes, her mouth agape. "Wha? How could that be? This is one of the safest neighborhood, I promise you."

I closed my eyes for a second. "Maybe it's the darkness. You know, dark could make you feel... something... "

We stayed silence for a while. I looked down and touched the edge of the pizza box near me. That night is different. It's bright due to the full moon but it's still dark. I...

"That's it!" She slammed the table so hard it made me flinched. I glared at her but she glared right back. "No overtime starting tomorrow!"

I rolled my eyes. "I was planning too!"

"You will be having a curfew too! Be at home at 4 o'clock!" I frowned at her.

"My shift is until 6." I deadpanned.

"Who cares?!"

"I need work to live or else I wouldn't eat."

"Oh, sorry." She said realizing her mistake.

I let out a small chuckle looking at her reaction. "It's okay, Chaeng. I know you're just worried." I assured her, giving her a soft smile. She smiled back and scratched her arm.

She came from a very rich family and I came from the average one. Not too rich, not too poor. Her family is one of the most powerful and influential bunch. Her parents being business persons and her sister as a competitive, always winning lawyer. A little overwhelming right?

Chaeng is unique tho. She's so childish and adorable but has strong personality. I love her so much! She runs a music school by the way. Well, her mother technically owned the school but she's a coach there. Teaching how to play a guitar and voice lessons.

Oh, she has a heavenly voice.

"Anyway, if you need help, I'm always here for you, okay?" She gave me genuine smile which I returned.

"Of course and I'm always here for you too." I said as I getting myself a bite of pizza.



"My hand hurts." And I choke.

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n o o n e

A man quietly hummed as he sat down on his chair. In front of him was a desk. He opened one of the drawer and get a somewhat looking book.

He held onto it for a while before opening it. There lies a picture.

A picture of little girl.

He leaned back to his chair letting out a frustrated sigh. He closed his eyes and breathed deeply.

"You're with the wrong man, Jisoo."

| > ~ > • < ~< |

Bear with my writing. (╥﹏╥)

April | 21 | 2020

The Night | YuSoo & JaeRoséDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora