3) Hot Professor Incoming!

Start from the beginning

He would've screamed bloody murder if it were someone else but it was his boyfriend, Dean that was dragging him away.

"What happened Deano?" he asks but got no response. By the way Dean's muscles were tensing up, he knew he is very angry.

Dean dragged him to an isolated area, farther away from the first year CSE faculty building and pulls him inside a storage room.

"Dean, are you okay?" Keit asked. He was really worried. Dean didn't speak at all and just dragged him.

Dean looked at the innocent doe eyes of his lover, full of worry and his anger melted a little. He leans down a little and embraces him in his tight hold, burying his nose in the crook of his neck, breathing heavily.

Keit was utterly confused. What has gotten into him?

Keit ran his fingers over Dean's hair, trying to soothe him. Dean pulled away after sometime and softly brushed his nose against Keit's in an Eskimo kiss.

Keit cupped his lover's face in his hands, running his thumb over his cheek lovingly as Dean leaned into his touch.

"Don't worry. I just wanted to see you." Dean mumbles and presses a kiss on his forehead.

"You looked very angry. What happened?" Keit asked softly, not wanting to anger him more. He never saw Dean this way.

"I was not angry. I was just annoyed." Dean said as he pulled away from Keit completely and massaged his temple. Keit looked at him expectantly, waiting for further explanation.

When he did not get any answer, he wrapped his arms around the taller man's torso, nuzzling his face into his chest.

"Tell me or I'll bite your chest." He mumbles the threat into his chest which made Dean laugh.

"Nothing baby. Stephanie created a scene in the middle of the classroom over me not picking up her call last night. Then the professor showed up and witnessed the drama, warning us to keep our relationship problems out of the classroom. Relationship problems my ass." Dean grumbled.

Keit's hold tightened on him as he huffed. Why did that bitch call Dean at night?

"After the class, before she could bug me again or I say anything inappropriate to her, I left. I need you to calm myself down or it wouldn't be good for her if she crossed my path again today." Dean continues as he gently caresses the smaller boy's hair.

Keit pulled back a little so that he could look at Dean's face but did not remove his arms from around him.

"Why are you even friends with a girl like her?" he pouts.

Dean internally groans, looking at his lover's adorable pout. His lips are begging to be kissed. It was getting harder for him to control himself from having his way with Keit.

They are at a secluded place

No one would see

No one would know

He could just bend him over

And maybe

Have a quickie

Dean shook his head as soon as the thought crossed his mind. When did he turn into such a pervert?

"Dean!" Keit whines and brings him out of his internal conversation.

"Ohh, yes, baby, uhh..." he forgot what he was supposed to do. Damn, Dean!

"I asked you why are you friends with a girl like her?" he asks looks at Dean, waiting for his response.

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